Lovers' Moon Fic Jumble - Round Two Open

Mar 03, 2007 09:03

The second main Jumble round -- and the last of the Lovers' Moon Fic Jumble -- is open for posting! Here's how to share your R/T stories with the rest of us.

Posting format:

Rating & Warnings:
Word Count:
Author’s Notes:

Please put your fics under an LJ Cut; if you’re unsure about how to do this, you will find the instructions here. (If the FAQ isn't clear, email a mod for help.)

If you are using the Rich Text Editor and copying from Word, please make sure your text is Arial and 10pt.

We've created tags for each of your usernames and all the genres. Please tag each entry with your username and genre -- action/adventure, angst, drama, humour, mystery/suspense, romance, romantic comedy, general.

Remember: you've got through Wednesday midnight (whatever your timezone) to post, so don't feel crunched for time to post on the first day.

We'd like to request that you do not post your Jumble fics elsewhere until the event is over, with the award announcements. You may, of course, post a link from your own journal.

Watchers, members, participants and lurkers, we encourage you to read and review the stories that are going to be posted over the next few days. Feedback is always appreciated by authors, and helps so much with the evolution of a writer’s craft.

And if you haven't yet, be sure to stop by and join our new sister community, metamorphed_fic, which promises to be the most comprehensive R/T fanfic archive on the web!

posting format, lovers' moon fic jumble, community info

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