(no subject)

Feb 19, 2007 21:31

Title: The Fellyphone
Format: novel fic
Rating/Warnings: PG/Um…the awkwardness at ‘meeting’ your girlfriend’s parents?
Prompts/Genre: Floo Powder, Ron and Hermione, ‘Ask’/General
Word Count: 2818
Summary: Set post-HBP (um…that’s during DH, huh?), Remus and Tonks, accompanied by Ron, pick up Hermione from her parents’ house
Author's Notes: This was tough for me to write. Ron and Hermione aren’t my favourite characters to write (too tough-which I don’t get-I can do Trio, but not them alone). But it’s done. I have a huge list of people to thank for their help:
nfwbls, and my girls (they know who they are!)
Thanks to
miss_elisha for the beta!

“Ron…Ron, are you all right?”

Nymphadora Tonks bit down on her lip as her boyfriend, Remus Lupin, shook the young man by the shoulder. Ron Weasley was standing in front of the Burrow’s fireplace, staring at it as if it were Lord Voldemort himself.

“Ron, you’re dropping Floo Powder all over the floor,” Remus continued gently. Tonks smothered a snort as Ron looked at him like he’d never seen him before. Remus took the box of Powder away from him. “What’s wrong? We’re just going to Hermione’s to pick her up.”

“He’s terrified…for some reason.” Ginny, sitting next to Tonks, piped up in a smug sing-song voice, ignoring the warning glare from her brother.

“Why? What’s different now?”

Tonks shook her head. Remus was such an intelligent man but some things he just didn’t get. Like when a boy fancied a girl…or vice-versa.

But she chuckled at the look of glee on Ginny’s face as she announced, “That’s right-you weren’t there at King’s Cross! Ronniekins decided to give Hermione a kiss on the cheek as she said goodbye to him.” Mrs Granger had insisted on Hermione spending a week with them before she went off again into the magical world.

“You missed the conflicting looks of revulsion and happiness duelling on Harry’s face,” Tonks added. “But that was nothing compared to the looks of surprise on Hermione’s parents’ faces. He was just a friend, but now he’s courting their daughter. She’s their little girl, and he’s-” She cut off as a realization hit her. “Oh, that could be me as well as Hermione! Oh God, I understand my parents now!” Remus smiled at her as Tonks put her head on the table.

Ginny burst out laughing. “But Mr and Mrs Granger are fantastic! They love Ron.”

“Correct, Ginny, they do,” Tonks said, lifting her head again. “But now he’s the ‘enemy,’ and he’s going to face the ‘enemy’ in their lair. It’s completely natural that he’s terrified.” She smiled at Ron and he managed a small lopsided grin.

“Ah…I just met Dora’s…er, Tonks’ parents, Ron,” Remus said. “Er…again.”

Tonks choked on her tea at his addition. “Again?” Ron and Ginny asked in unison.

“They were seventh years when I was a first year. Ted was the Gryffindor prefect and Andromeda was Head Girl.” Both she and Ginny began to giggle at the quick twitch that crossed Remus’ face at the acknowledged age difference between him and his new girlfriend. After they had reconciled, he had promised not to dwell on it…as much. “But now instead of being Sirius’ little friend, I was their daughter’s boyfriend.”

“How’d it go?” Ron asked hopefully, his smile faltering slightly as Tonks let out a giggle.

“Um…as well as it could have.”

Tonks stood and pushed her chair back. Walking over to Ron and Remus, she said to the red-head, “It went fine. Yes, my parents had a few…issues with us, but it’s fine now. And you’ll have none of that. Hermione’s parents have met you before…and they like you. They still like you.” She shot Remus a look over her shoulder, rolling her eyes as he shrugged at her. “Let’s get going.” She took the Floo Powder from Remus.

“Why are you Flooing?” Ginny asked.

“It’s easier than taking down all the Anti-Apparition wards that Bill and I set around the Grangers’. Schoolmate of mine works down in Floo Regulation,” Tonks told her. “We’ll be back soon with Hermione.” She took a handful of Floo Powder and stepped into the fireplace. Throwing the powder, she shouted, “Hermione Granger’s house!” and disappeared.

Stumbling into the Grangers’ living room, Tonks was immediately caught by Hermione.

“Hello, Tonks.”

“Wotcher, Hermione!” she grinned as she looked around.

Hermione’s parents were standing behind their daughter, trying to look as if strangers appearing out of their fireplace was a commonplace experience for them. She opened her mouth to greet them, but the green flames flared up once again and Ron stepped out.

He smiled easily but still flushed when he saw Hermione. “Hullo.”

“Hi,” Hermione returned with a faint blush on her cheeks.

Tonks caught Mrs Granger’s eyes and the two women shared a smile.

The fireplace roared to life one last time as Remus arrived. “Good morning, Dr Granger,” he greeted Hermione’s father, shaking his hand. “Dr Granger,” he nodded at Hermione’s mother. “My name is Remus Lupin. Arthur unfortunately was called to the Ministry, so he sent Auror Tonks and me in his stead. Of course, you know Ron already.”

Mrs Granger beamed at Ron, whose visible relaxation at her smile had Tonks biting her lip to keep from grinning. Mr Granger, on the other hand, was eyeing Ron up and down.

“Dad…” Hermione whispered in a warning tone, and her father smiled at Ron and offered him is hand.

“Oh! I’ve tea and scones in the kitchen,” Mrs. Granger said suddenly. “Please, do sit down…Lupin?” she inquired. “Aren’t you one of Hermione’s teachers?”

“I am not currently, but I had the pleasure of teaching Hermione in her third year,” Remus told her as he took a seat on the couch. “I told her then, and I do believe it still now, that she is the cleverest witch of her age.” He smiled up at Mrs Granger, who smiled back, then pottered off towards the kitchen.

Tonks bit her lip again. Remus had no idea that he was schmoozing Hermione’s mother, and she found it absolutely adorable. She perched herself on the arm of the couch, took his hand, and laced her fingers through his. There was a spot of comfortable silence, save for Hermione and Ron speaking in low tones in the corner and the tinkling of china from the kitchen.

The kitchen door swung open and Mrs Granger came back into the room, carrying a full tea service. Tonks jumped up from her seat, saying, “Let me help you, ma’am.”

“NO!” shouted both Ron and Hermione. They both had the decency to blush as Tonks looked at them askance before shooting Remus a look for laughing.

“Miss…er, what was your title again?” Mrs Granger asked her.

“Auror,” Tonks supplied. “But Miss is fine.”

“Miss Tonks can assist me. Honestly, Hermione! I taught you better manners than that. ”

Ron let out a snort of laughter, which he turned into a cough as Hermione elbowed him in the stomach.

“Auror?” Mr Granger repeated. “Aren’t you like the Scotland Yard of the wizarding world? That’s how Hermione explained it to us.”

“Um…yeah,” Tonks told him, blushing slightly at the smirk on Remus’ face. “For the most part…sort of. That’s how my Dad explained it to my Gran...yeah.”

Mr Granger opened his mouth to ask another question, but the sound of a telephone ringing cut him off. “Excuse me,” he said. Reaching to his belt, he unclipped a small metal box. Pushing a button, he had a quick conversation into it, from which he excused himself since he had company. Mr Granger looked up as he re-clipped the phone to see Tonks, Ron, and Remus staring at him.

“Was that a…fellyphone?” Ron asked curiously.

“Telephone,” Hermione smiled in correction.

“Yes…yes it is.” He smiled at Ron’s grin.

“A…wireless telephone?” Remus asked, eyeing up the wall-mounted unit behind Mr Granger’s head.

“Actually, it’s a mobile telephone. Wirelesses have a shorter wave range.” At the blank looks he received, he added, “I can use this one anywhere, not just in the house.”

“They’re mobile now?” Tonks enquired. At Mr Granger’s nod, she continued, “Oh! I have to tell Dad! He’s Muggleborn…like Hermione. He loves his Muggle devices…drives my mum barmy. Come to think of it, I should probably introduce him to Arthur. Anyway, sorry…rambling on there. Don’t look at me like that! You’re the one playing with the wireless phone!” she added indignantly, blushing at Remus’ smirk. She grinned when he guiltily set down the telephone that Mrs Granger had handed him.

“I rang Harry during second year summer,” Ron said. “Messed it up a bit…shouted into it. His uncle went spare on me.”

Mr Granger unclipped the phone again, punched a few buttons, and then handed him the mobile. “Tell him that you’re here.”

Ron gingerly took the telephone, and then placed it to his ear. “Oh! It’s ringing already!” He paused. “Oh! Er…hello. May I speak to Harry Potter, please?” At the pause, he whispered, “It was his cousin. I can’t believe the stupid git’s actually getting him.”

“Here Ron, let me talk,” Hermione demanded, reaching for the phone.

“Just a minute,” Ron told her, stretching it out of reach. “Hello? Harry? Harry! It’s me…Ron!” He grinned, catching sight of Hermione giggling at him. “Oi! Harry, Hermione’s laughing at me.”

“I am not,” she huffed. Tonks and Remus exchanged knowing smiles.

“Yeah…Remus, Tonks, and I are at her house now.” Ron then grinned at whatever Harry said.

“What?” Hermione hissed at him.

“I’m calling you from her dad’s mobile telephone. It knew your number and everything!”

“It was programmed in,” Mr Granger told him with a smile.

“Oh, sorry, right…it was programmed.” Ron returned his smile, then realised he still had Harry on the line, “Isn’t that fantastic, Harry?” He laughed.

“Ron,” Hermione persisted. “What’s he saying?”

“No, not the wireless…Remus is playing with that…a mobile one. Oh, just got a look from him.”

“I’m not playing,” Remus interjected loudly. Tonks laughed as he set the telephone back down and began to mutter.

“Listen, this is cool and all, but I prefer Floo Calling. Me and Hermione will be there tomorrow, okay? Mum wants us home for tonight.” There was a long pause, then Ron laughed again, albeit nervously. He handed the phone to Hermione with a “He wants to talk to you.”

Hermione, Tonks noted, handled the mobile with a bit more dexterity than Ron had. “What did Harry say?” she asked him as he poured himself a cup of tea.

“He said I handled ringing perfectly,” Ron told her. “No shouting this time and all. And that he’d never used a mobile and thought it was cool I had.”

Tonks knew he was lying by the fact his ears had gone red. She was going to take the mickey out of him, but Remus laid a gentle hand on her arm. At Ron’s smirk, she decided to mentally store it away for use at a later time. Remus tenderly squeezed her arm, and then winked at her.

Ron went to say something to her but then Mr Granger asked him, “Why would you be fascinated with something as simple as a mobile phone? You travel by…what is it called…Flow Powder?”

“Floo Powder,” Ron corrected gently. “I dunno…maybe ‘cause it’s new to me? I grew up with Floo Powder and owls and…well…magic being commonplace everyday things to me. To think, all this time we've been using owls to send messages, or Floo Powder... I never even knew these things existed!”

“I can see that...” Mr Granger told him, slightly amused by his enthusiasm.

“You and Mrs Granger were the first Muggles I met,” Ron blurted out.

“The first?” Mrs Granger asked him.

“Oh, yes, ma’am,” he said nervously, realising that now both of Hermione's parents’ attention were focused on him.

Tonks noticed that Hermione had finished her conversation with Harry and was holding the mobile to her chest while her eyes darted back and forth between her parents and Ron.

“Now I can see why Dad's fascinated by Muggles. And all this time we thought he was just daft.”

“Your father’s not daft, Ron. He’s a very intelligent wizard,” Hermione started.

“I know he is,” Ron rolled his eyes. “I just said…”

“It’s like always having a front row seat at a Quidditch match,” Tonks whispered into Remus’ ear.

“Quidditch is the broomstick game, isn’t it?” Mrs Granger whispered, overhearing. “Like football…but on brooms?”

“Basically,” Tonks told her, amused.

“You just called him daft!” Hermione said.

“Imagine…Harry had a front row seat to this for six years,” Remus said, watching Ron and Hermione in amusement.

“Poor bloke. Are they always like this?” Mr Granger asked.

“I said we thought he was daft…I didn’t call him daft!” Ron defended.

“Worse,” Remus said cheerfully.

“Oi!” said Ron indignantly, glaring as Remus smirked at him. Hermione’s cheeks were flushed. Mrs Granger and Tonks exchanged smiles again.

Mr Granger then asked, “So…tell me, what else exists? In the magical world I mean.”

Tonks and Remus exchanged glances, and then she said, “Normally telling you all this is against the International Statute of Secrecy, but since your daughter’s a witch…”

“Tell me fairies are real!” Mrs Granger exclaimed suddenly.

Tonks blinked in surprise. “Yes, they are.” She smiled when Mrs Granger beamed with happiness.

“Mum loves fairies,” Hermione said, catching up to their conversation. “She has a whole collection of figurines in her office.”

“We should get her a wizarding one,” Ron said from behind her.

“One that moves?” Mrs Granger asked her whole face lit up with delight. Tonks noted it was the same look Hermione got when she was talking about something that she had just read.

“You get that same sort of look from your mother,” Remus whispered into her ear as Ron went on to describe the figurine to a very excited Mrs Granger.

“What sort of look?” she asked him curiously.

“The stubborn, jaw set, Black look. Sirius had it too.”

Tonks smirked. “You mean the ‘I’m Not Letting You Get Rid of Me’ look?”

Remus’ cheeks flushed. “Yeah...that one.”

“Let’s get out of here before the Grangers start asking questions about other magical creatures…like werewolves.”

“Ah, yes, excellent idea. You’re such an intelligent woman, is it any surprise I love you so much?” He grinned when Tonks beamed, then said louder, “Excuse me, Ron, but we need to get going. You’re mother is expecting us back. Why don’t you run up and get Hermione’s trunk with her.” As Hermione led Ron away, Remus said to the Grangers, “She’ll keep in touch with you. Between owls, Apparitions, and Floo Calling, you’ll hear from her at least every other day.”

“Thank you, Mr Lupin,” Mr Granger said, shaking his hand.



“Margaret,” Mrs Granger said.

“Tonks.” At the puzzled looks from Hermione’s parents, Tonks continued, “Er…it’s my surname. I despise my given name of Nymphadora.”

“’Gift of the nymphs’,” Mr Granger translated. “What a beautiful name.”

“Oh yes,” Mrs Granger agreed.

“I try to tell her that,” Remus said with obvious glee in his voice.

“Tell her what?” Ron asked, entering the room followed by Hermione, who was Levitating her trunk.

“That my given name is beautiful.” Tonks scrunched up her nose in distaste, but didn’t comment.

“It is,” Hermione told her as she shrunk her trunk for travel.

Tonks scrunched her nose again, and then walked over to the fireplace. “Ron, you first, please,” she said as she threw in a handful of Floo Powder and Ron disappeared. “Hermione, say goodbye to your parents, please.” She ignored the amused looks on everyone’s faces.

“We’ll be back before Bill and Fleur’s wedding to bring you to Diagon Alley so you can purchase Margaret’s figurine,” Remus told Mr Granger as Hermione said goodbye to her mother.

“Such an intelligent man,” Margaret told Tonks as Hermione moved on to her father, “telling Richard he can purchase my figurine.” Tonks grinned.

“Sorry,” Remus muttered to Mr Granger, who smiled good-naturedly. The women giggled.

Hermione stepped into the fireplace, threw in a handful of Floo Powder, and disappeared. Remus and Tonks said their goodbyes to the Grangers, and then each took their turns.

As Tonks stumbled out of the fireplace and into the Burrow’s kitchen, Remus caught her. “Ron and Hermione are already upstairs…plotting out whatever they have planned that we’re not supposed to know about.”

“Tea, Tonks dear? Remus?” Molly asked from behind him.

Tonks looked at Remus with quizzical eyes. His blue eyes sparkled with promise. “No thank you, Molly. Remus and I are headed back to the flat.”

“Oh…all right,” Molly said comprehending. “You’re welcome back for dinner…or we’ll just see you in the morning.”

“Good night, Molly,” Remus told her as Tonks led him by the hand out the kitchen door. Once outside, he said, “You handled the name thing well.”

Tonks scrunched her nose up once again. “I have no idea why Mum named me that. Sure, it kind of goes with the Black family tradition, but why? She was disowned.”

“Who knows?” he murmured, nuzzling her neck.

“Let’s go home.”

“Good idea.”

“I’m glad you got us out of there before the Grangers asked more questions. What would I have said to the werewolf lore questions?” Remus stopped nuzzling her neck and looked up at her perplexed. “You know…the ‘are werewolves animals in bed?’ questions.”

She stepped back and Disapparated, her dark eyes sparkling, as he threw his head back and laughed.

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