Them And Us

Feb 13, 2007 13:50

Title: Them and Us.
Author: gilpin25
Format and Word Count: Ficlet, 999
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: This won’t cheer you up if you’re having a bad day.
Prompt: Dream Girl
Summary: He’s forgotten what day it is, but some things are always with you.
Author’s Note: Inspired by “I cannot pretend my particular brand of reasoned argument is making much headway ( Read more... )

angst, gilpin25, lovers' moon fic jumble

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Comments 27

author_by_night February 13 2007, 14:26:22 UTC
Oh man... the poor boy, I see why he's upset, actually. Remus has love this boy was probably never given, and Remus, in his eyes, takes it for granted and pushes it away.



gilpin25 February 19 2007, 11:25:23 UTC
I think to Lovel/Jonathon's mind, Remus is telling him on one hand that a normal life amongst the wizards is perfectly possible, and then admitting that he himself seems to have rejected the love and affection Lovel longs for out of fear. There's probably a bit of hero worship just gone down the drain, lol.

Thank you for reviewing; I know it wasn't a jolly read but I'm glad you liked it!


eshesh February 14 2007, 00:45:20 UTC
I absolutely loved this. Wow! It was a very powerful piece. I liked how well you built up to the end, where Jonathon (and Remus, I sincerely hope!) see the complete hypocrisy of the situation. What a beautiful, beautiful job you did here.


gilpin25 February 19 2007, 11:38:04 UTC
I'm really glad you liked it because it wasn't exactly a jolly Valentine's read! I was trying to show Remus seeing how impossible his situation is through an innocent boy's questions - a case of "Do as I say, not as I've just done" being exposed for the hypocrisy it is. And I also liked the idea of him trying not to think of Tonks because he can't bear to, but finding reminders of her at every turn, particularly on such a day. So, yes, I think he knows exactly what a mess he's in, but can't see any other way of dealing with it, sadly.

Thank you very much for a lovely review.


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gilpin25 February 19 2007, 12:01:49 UTC
I half feel as if I should be apologising to everyone for such a sad fic on Valentine's Day! But I did want to show how Remus has got himself into such an impossible situation, and how that's demonstrated all too clearly by the words and reactions of an innocent boy, who simply can't understand why Remus would reject the love and affection he longs for.

Many thanks for the review and I'm glad you enjoyed it.


lady_bracknell February 14 2007, 11:19:35 UTC
I really love this.

I'm no fan of over angsty HBP feral mission fics, but this is nothing of the sort. I really like how you've let the situation Remus has found himself in and what it means to him speak for himself, and I really love the Jonathon character, how he asks all the right questions - how can Remus promise them a better life, when he had one and threw it away? His anger was really touching, actually - I'd love to see a sequel where this argument runs and runs.

Very nicely done. Exactly how angst should be done.


gilpin25 February 19 2007, 12:17:56 UTC
Thank you; I'm glad you enjoyed it as I haven't really got to grips with these short things at all, lol.

I wanted to write a scene where it's dawning on Remus what an impossible situation he's in in HBP - and also that he's created a lot of it for himself, good intentions not withstanding. And I liked the idea of an innocent, slightly hero-worshipping outsider being the one to voice it to him; that it's hard to believe in someone promising a good life when that person appears to have had everything and given it up.

A sequel? Perhaps, one day ... ;)


mrstater February 14 2007, 12:43:58 UTC
That part about tearing people's hearts out? Yes, that sums up this fic. ;) Really, really perfect HBP angst. I do think Remus doesn't have a leg to stand on because of what he's done in his own personal life, and to have had him see that through a conversation with a boy is even more poignant, I think, because of the contrast with his relationship with Harry. (Also I really love the Don't call me Jonathon bit - of course it reminded me of Tonks, and inspired both a little smile and a little ouch.

As ladybracknell said, the angst is pitched just perfectly. Very well done.


gilpin25 February 20 2007, 11:07:04 UTC
Next year, I promise I'll be in Happy Mode! I did want to do a scene where Remus is literally caught between a rock and a hard place (or a young boy's questions and his own actions) - I imagine that at some time during HBP it must have dawned on him that perhaps the reason he wasn't making headway with the werewolves was because of his own "Do as I say, not as I do" line of arguement. It must be hard to get that over with a lot of conviction. As for "Don't call me..." well, I always think that when you try not to think of something, everything seems to conspire to remind you of it.

Many thanks for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed it - if that's the right word! :)


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