I Won't Tell

Feb 11, 2007 19:26

Title: I Won’t Tell
Author: gijane7702
Format & Word Count: Fic 677 words
Rating: PG
Warnings: Er…a practical joke? Perhaps a curse or two.
Prompt: I Won't Tell
Summary: Sirius tries to puzzle out who pulled a practical joke on him.
Author's Notes: You know children get it from somewhere…
Thank you to my beta…you know who you are!

I Won't Tell

A roar from the drawing room drew different responses from everybody.

Molly Weasley looked up the ceiling, and then pottered around, fretting.

Arthur Weasley didn’t even bat an eyelash as he continued to read The Evening Prophet.

Nymphadora Tonks looked immediately over at Remus Lupin, who grinned lazily at her.

Before she could ask any questions, the kitchen door slammed open and Sirius Black stood on the bottom step. Between his heaving chest and his mother’s screams sounding from the corridor, Tonks knew that he had run all the way down from the drawing room.

“Which one of you two did it?!” he cried, pointing at his hair, then at both she and Remus.

She looked at his hair, and then burst out laughing. Molly had a frozen look on her face that Tonks was unable to decipher. Arthur’s ears, as he re-disappeared behind his paper, were burning red.

Remus still wore that lazy grin as he asked, “Whatever do you mean, Sirius?”

“My hair,” Sirius said stalking into the kitchen, still pointing at his head, “is red, white, and pink stripped.”

“It’s very festive!” Tonks piped in. “But just last night you told all of us that Valentine’s Day was a stupid holiday. Did you change your mind?” She bit back a grin as Arthur turned a laugh into a cough.

“NO!” Sirius bellowed. “It IS a stupid holiday…and not just because I haven’t a significant other,” he added as Remus opened his mouth. “Now which one of you did it?”

“Not me,” Tonks said, shaking her head. “I wish I had thought of it!”

“It wasn’t me, Padfoot,” Remus told him. “I do like it though.”

“Oi!” Sirius threw himself down at the table, grabbed a bottle of Butterbeer, and shot Remus a dark look. “You two would cover for each other. Ever since you got together…” He trailed off grumbling under his breath. Then, louder, he asked, “Don’t you have some stupid lovey-dovey Valentine’s dinner to be at or something, Moony?”

“Reservations are at eight,” Tonks told him.

“Gee, Moony, you’re even starting to sound like her!” Sirius made a face back at Tonks when she stuck her tongue out at him.

Remus just grinned. “Well, we figured we’d keep your lonely soul company for a bit beforehand.” His grin broadened as Sirius had the good grace to look a bit sheepish.

“Sirius dear, let me Charm your hair back,” Molly said soothingly, coming up behind him.

“Thanks,” Sirius said a few minutes later as he inspected his once again black hair in the mirror she had Conjured. “You’re the best, Molly! And you’re a lucky man, Arthur.”

“Don’t I know it,” Arthur said, emerging from behind his paper and earning himself a kiss on the cheek from his wife.

Placing the mirror on the table, Sirius pointed once again at Remus and Tonks, “If I ever catch wind of which one of you was responsible…” He stood and stalked out of the kitchen.

Remus looked at Tonks. “Did you do it?”

“I wish!” she exclaimed. “That was brilliant!”

“Arthur William Weasley!” Molly hissed. “I cannot believe you did that!” Both Remus and Tonks’ heads swung towards the older man. Molly stood in front of him, hands on her hips. “I recognised that practical joke. You pulled it on Fabian and Gideon the first Valentine’s Day we were married!”

Tonks was sure her jaw was just as slack as Remus’.

“It was amusing, sweetheart,” Arthur told her, now smiling slightly.

“That’s beside the point! Sirius now thinks it’s either Remus or Tonks and he’s angry.”

Tonks knew from past experience it was best to cut Molly off before she really got going. “I won’t tell-”

“If you don’t,” Remus finished for her. “Come, Dora, let’s go.” He stood, and then helped her out of her chair. As they exited the kitchen, Remus looked over his shoulder and said, “Arthur Weasley, you would have made a fantastic Marauder.”

Then he grinned, and Tonks began to giggle, at the smile that broke out over Arthur’s face.

gijane7702, lovers' moon fic jumble, humour

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