Title: The Writing on the Window
kerrymdbFormat: Fic
Rating & Warnings: R for sexual situations
Prompts: Forest and a snowman
Word Count: 3, 955
Summary: He doesn’t want this moment to end. Because when it does, there will be questions and demands for answers from both sides that neither are ready to answer nor ask.
Author’s Notes: I wrote
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“I’ve met Grawp a few times, now. Hagrid introduced me as Nymphadora.” She pauses to crinkle her nose in distaste. “Grawp can’t pronounce it so he calls me Nimmie.”
Remus and Tonks weren't the only ones laughing.
She starts walking deeper into the forest and Remus is helpless to do anything but follow her. He remembers the last time he was here, almost three years ago, when he had the title ‘professor.’ Naked, standing behind a tree, wondering if anyone would bring him a change of clothes or if he should try to conjure a robe using wandless magic. It felt like hours before Minerva McGonagall appeared, with clothes, looking at him and not bothering to hide the disappointment in her eyes.
That paragraph is heart-breaking and really set the tone for the rest of the fic. You did such a good job with this.
I'm so glad you enjoyed this piece! And thank you so much for your comments, especially about emotion. I really appreicate it!
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