Winter Hallows Advent Prompts & Posting

Dec 01, 2010 09:04

On the first day of Advent
My Meta Mods gave to me
Posting access to the community!
On the second day of Advent
My Meta Mods gave to me
Two Christmas prompts
And posting access to the community!

Season's greetings, metamorfic_moon members! It's the 1st of December (it hardly seems possible it can be December already, and only 24 shopping days till Christmas), which means the fifth annual (which really doesn't seem possible!) metamorfic_moon fic and art Advent has begun!

As you know from the carol above (which we're sure you're all delighted to have stuck in your head), you may all begin posting your artwork, drabbles, and stories as soon as you're inspired by your prompts*, which you will find under the pink Christmas tree LJ-cut below.

(Click your heels your mouse three times to enlarge.)

*We do work from the same lists of prompts from Advent to Advent, so if in the event that you've been assigned a prompt from Christmas past, don't hesitate to let us know and we'll get you a new one. But we will check that you really have had that prompt before--we save the lists!--so if you're just trying to switch prompts because you don't like them, like Santa Claus, we'll know if you're naughty and put a lump of coal in your stocking (and maybe hex you to oblivion, too)!

Before you try to post an entry, please be sure to review the Advent Rules and Posting Guidelines:

1. Headers:
For fics:

Rating & Warnings:
Format & Word Count:
Author’s Notes:

For art:

Rating & Warnings:
Summary: (if desired)
Artist's Notes:

Bear in mind that any warnings, summaries and author's notes need to be rated PG-13 or lower, otherwise it sort of defeats the object. ;) Also the warnings and ratings are there for a purpose: we know we have some younger members out there, and very welcome you are, but please refrain from commenting on a fic/art if you choose to ignore those warnings and read or look at something not appropriate for your age.

2. LJ Cuts:
For the sake of members' friend lists and internet connections, please post the body of each entry under an LJ Cut. Rich Text Mode is distinctly unreliable when it comes to trying to post the precious fic that you've slaved like a house-elf over for hours; in fact, most problems experienced when posting have been when people have tried to post in rich text with tags, so we recommend you use Plain Text Mode (HTML) and have far fewer headaches. We've got two graphics to show you step-by-step what that entails if you're unfamiliar with it: an example of what to type and how it comes out when you post.

3. Tags:
Writers, please tag each entry with your username, Winter Hallows Advent, and genre(s). (Remember, half your mods are Brits, and the other two have been corrupted to their evil, extra letter spelling ways, so that's humour spelt with a U!)

Artists, please tag your entries with your username, Winter Hallows Advent, and art.

4. Off-LJ Posting:
We'd like to request that you do not post your fics/art elsewhere until the event is over on the 31st. You may, of course, post a link from your own journal.

5. Watchers, members, participants and lurkers:
We'd all love you to read, look at and review the creative efforts that are going to be posted over the coming weeks. Feedback is always appreciated by the authors and artists, and it really does make everyone’s hard work worthwhile.

6. Still got questions?
Comment to this post or email us at

Finally, what's Advent without a little decoration? Feel free to snag one of the following userpics to help get into the spirit of the community! (Please credit metamorfic_moon in your userpic info.)

All that's left to be said--or rather, sung--is:

On the third day of Advent
My Meta members gave to me
Fic and art that's full of R/T!
Good luck to you all!

prompt post, posting format, community info

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