They said there’ll be R/T fic at Christmas
They said there’ll be artwork here
Hallelujah! Noel! It’ll be fun and just swell
The R/T Christmas we get … starts right now, and right here??!
Yes, it’s that time when we announce the fifth (can it really be that many?) Christmas Advent here at
metamorfic_moon: The Winter Hallows Advent. No prizes for guessing why we’re sticking to a ‘hallowed’ theme again with a certain film out now, but we’re thinking Christmas back then was a time of hope for Remus and Tonks, with a coming child and reasons to celebrate in spite of all they’d been through. We're looking forward to celebrating here, with many more fics and artwork to enjoy. Guest mod
shimotsuki is back for another stint and we'd love all of you to be on board too.
This year’s challenge is simple and, we hope, fun for members both old (as in familiar!) and new:
1. The Advent will run from 1 - 31 December. Posting officially opens on the 1st.
2. If you wish to take part, comment to this thread to sign up, indicating whether you would like to participate as an artist, a writer, or both. You have until Tuesday, 30th November to do so.
3. If you’re new, then a big welcome to the holiday party, but please make sure you have joined the community as a member (not just a watcher), otherwise we cannot give you posting access. Remember that by joining the community, you agree to abide by the
community rules, so please familiarize yourself with them.
4. On Wednesday, 1st December, you’ll be given two prompts (or four if you’ve signed up to do art as well).
5. The prompts! This year you’ll be given a word prompt associated with Christmas, and some lyrics from famous and popular Christmas songs and carols. All the way from Elvis to Bing Crosby to Bruce Springsteen to Kate Bush and many more.
6. You only have to use one prompt per submission (or use only part of the lyrics given), but you can of course incorporate both of them if you'd like a more Ravenclaw-like challenge. Or should that be Gryffindor? ;)
7. You'll have the entire month to write/draw and post as many submissions to the community as you are so inspired by your prompts.
8. There is no minimum or maximum length requirement; drabbles and epics alike are welcome, as are multi-chaptered fics. There will be no awards again, owing to the reduced numbers in the fandom making such things, we feel, verging on impossible to do fairly nowadays.
That's it! But before you sign up, please read through the rules beneath the cut. In signing up to participate in The Winter Hallows Advent, members acknowledge that they have read, that they understand, and agree to abide by the following rules. Don't skip over them - because Santa Dumbledore knows if you've been naughty this Advent! Besides, we all know you’re nice...:D
The Advent Rules:
A. Time: You can set your fic, drabble, or art in any time period you like, it certainly doesn't have be set in the winter, feature Christmas or the holidays, or take place during Deathly Hallows. You can also make them AU if you want to, as long as you indicate this in the summary.
B. Prompts: You are free to interpret the prompts however you like, but the prompts must be utilized, and not merely mentioned. For example, if one of your prompts is the word “Grindylow”, then your story might include Teddy and Remus hunting for Grindylows, not just mentioning that Remus read Teddy a book about Grindylows - it’s got to play a part in the story.
C. Content:
Previous het relationships are permitted as backstory, but no Remus/Anybody or Tonks/Anybody may be depicted within the actual story -- only mentioned as background information (sorry, no flashbacks to the characters' Hogwarts days).
Multicolored Werepups
One of the nicer things about Deathly Hallows was the appearance of a turquoise-haired addition to the family. Obviously he's more than welcome to make an appearance in your fic or art but, again, we're an R/T community, not a Teddy community, so submissions to our events are required to feature Remus and Tonks physically present in the story as the major protagonists, contributing to the main action and/or dialogue. If you're writing or drawing AU, the same applies, even if you're extending their family, or have gone forwards in time to the epilogue, for example, and fancy having a crack at how R/T are coping with life with a grown-up son...
Manipulations are not accepted here, but you may work in any media you choose, provided the images are your own original work. (References are okay!)
Unsuitable Content
NC-17 submissions will be accepted entirely at the discretion of the moderators. Under no circumstances will we accept bestiality or incest, and other strong themes will be considered for appropriateness.
D. Writers' Ratings: All ratings accepted (including NC-17), so long as appropriate warnings are listed in post information outside the lj-cut. You can find a ratings guide here. Please note the following equivalents:
T= PG13
Artists’ Ratings: Any media, rating up to R (so no graphic nudity or explicit sexual scenes, please), but the focus of the piece should be Remus/Tonks, with or without Teddy. Appropriate warnings should be listed in the post information outside the lj-cut.
E. Plagiarism:
Plagiarism is not tolerated at
metamorfic_moon. If we find that work posted here is not the work of the member, either because it is taken from another fic writer or fan artist, or because it is the manipulated work of a published writer or artist, the submission will be deleted from the community, and at the moderators' discretion, the member may be banned from the community.
So all that remains is to hope that all of you want to join in and make this the most wonderful time of R/T year. If you do, just sign up below stating fic or art or both, and come join our Christmas/Holiday fan feast!:D