Fic: To See Clearly

Sep 03, 2010 22:49

Title: To See Clearly
Author: shimotsuki
Rating & Warnings: PG, mild profanity
Prompt: Auror, Peruvian Darkness Powder, drama
Format & Word Count: Fic, 4293 words

Summary: Remus risks his position in the pack, and maybe even his life, in a final attempt to stop Greyback's werewolves from aligning with the Death Eaters. And it seems he may be making another ( Read more... )

shimotsuki, angst, drama, summer hallows jumble

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Comments 15

chococoffeekiss September 4 2010, 04:16:20 UTC
I was hoping we'd get another Kaleidoscope story!!!

Matt, Bess and Cathy are some of my favorite OCs ever, I love the scene around the fire, the carefully chosen words.

And, just as urgently, he had to stop himself from secretly wishing that Tonks would find his note and come in Moody’s place.

That just broke my heart, when I read the argument between them in the forest. Matthias's encouragement makes up for it, though!

Fantastic as usual, my dear. :)


shimotsuki September 6 2010, 01:31:59 UTC
Aw, thanks so much! I'm so glad to know that you enjoyed it, especially the OCs.

As for Remus, he is in deep denial just now. ;) (The attack on Hogwarts is only days away.)


sspring92 September 4 2010, 04:31:54 UTC
I really wish I was still in school and more in tune with dissecting a story and its nuances! I just know that this was a really lovely, angsty piece! It really highlights the pain they were both in with Remus' self imposed exile.
Nice touch with the muffler in June. ::gah:: Thanks for posting!


shimotsuki September 6 2010, 01:35:02 UTC
Wow, your comment really made my day -- it means a lot to hear that you think there's something in here that might be worth dissecting!

Late May nights in the woods are probably a little chilly, but not freezing. ;)


solochan September 9 2010, 15:59:35 UTC
You don't know how much I love this story, it's so nice to see this side of the werewolf packs that Greyback owns, and in such a different way to what people expect. I was actually reminded of your story when I saw a pub in Bristol the other day called 'The Full Moon' a dingy old thing, and it reminded me of your take of Remus's infiltration into the werewolves.

Well done I really can't wait to find out what happens next!


shimotsuki September 10 2010, 01:58:20 UTC
Oh, goodness, thank you so much! These werewolves are the only major OCs I've really written, so I'm really glad they keep you interested!

That pub sounds like the kind of place Greyback would choose to hang out in, doesn't it? Heh.


more_ruthless September 11 2010, 22:06:50 UTC
Very very nice addition to your series. I was wondering how Bess was going to work in, and the glasses were perfect. If only Remus could get a pair of glasses to open up his eyes. Thanks for sharing! I look forward to more in this series.


shimotsuki September 13 2010, 03:25:53 UTC
Thank you for the encouraging words! I've been setting up the werewolf pack all along to be able to use giving glasses to Bess as a turning point, so when I got the Darkness Powder prompt it was clearly time to write that installment. ;)

If only Remus could get a pair of glasses to open up his eyes.

YES, heh.


bookish_brownie September 12 2010, 16:55:53 UTC
There are so many elements that I like about this piece. I think the theme of pain, both physical and emotional, throughout the piece really ties it together. It's dark, but it's also interesting to see the dynamics of the werewolf pack and the continued action of the Order. I really appreciate how Tonks is not completely sunk in despair; she's sad, but she's still first and foremost an Auror who is doing her job, which is consistent with what we see of her in the books. And, of course, Moody is secretly a Remus/Tonks shipper :). Really well done!


shimotsuki September 13 2010, 03:30:52 UTC
Thank you!

My Moody is definitely a R/T shipper, lol.

I'm glad you liked this version of Tonks; what you point out about her still doing her job despite her sadness also strikes me as a major aspect of her canon characterization in HBP, and I wanted to bring that out here.

Pain was definitely a theme I wanted to work with here. I have to push Remus pretty close to the breaking point to get him ready for the hospital-wing scene, after all!


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