Summer Hallows Jumble: Prompts are up and posting's open!

Aug 01, 2010 10:56

Posting for the Summer Hallows Jumble is now officially OPEN. :D

The exciting bit first: You will find your prompts under the cut below:

Click twice to enlarge

Before you try to post an entry, please be sure to read through and (re)acquaint yourselves with the guidelines and posting format:

Firstly, you have from now until midnight, PST time on August 31st to post your fic(s) or art using the prompts you've been given. You’ll have received three prompts (or six if you have signed up both as writer and artist): one is taken from Deathly Hallows itself, one is a Magical prompt, such as an item, spell or place, and the final prompt is a Genre. It’s entirely up to you if you use only one of the prompts, or two of them, or all three in however many submissions you do.

If you don’t instantly recognize your Magical prompt, it’s a good idea to have a look at the HP Lexicon (linked in the sidebar) as details of them all can be found there. And if you choose to use the Genre prompt, then other genres are obviously allowed as well, but the main one must be the prompt you were given.

Don't forget to check back to the Jumble rules - where you signed-up - if you've any queries regarding content, prompt interpretation and ratings, and remember that although our jumble theme may be based on Deathly Hallows, that doesn’t mean you have to set your fic or art then. Any time period is fine, as is AU as long as it’s indicated in the summary.

Posting Guidelines:

All fic/drabble posts must include the following header:

Rating & Warnings:
Format & Word Count:
Author’s Notes:

Or if you’re an artist:

Rating & Warnings:
Summary: (if desired)
Artist's Notes:

In the prompt section, please let us know which prompt(s) you've used.

Bear in mind that any warnings, summaries and author's notes need to be rated PG-13 or lower, otherwise it sort of defeats the object. ;) Also the warnings and ratings are there for a purpose - we know we have some younger members out there, and very welcome you are too, but please refrain from commenting on a fic/art if you choose to ignore those warnings and read or look at something not appropriate for your age.

Post the body of the fic/art under a LJ Cut. Rich Text Mode is distinctly unreliable when it comes to trying to post the precious fic that you've slaved over for hours - in fact, most problems experienced when posting have been when people have tried to post in rich text with tags, so we recommend you use Plain Text Mode (HTML) and have far fewer headaches. We've got two graphics under the cuts to show you step-by-step what that entails if you're unfamiliar with it, and they're here and also here.


Please tag each entry with your username, genre(s) and if your art has a genre(s), please use that tag, too. Half of your mods are Brits (and the other two have been corrupted to our evil, extra letter spelling ways) so the humour tag does include the U! Artists, please also tag your posts with 'art'.

We'd be grateful if you could all use the tag summer hallows jumble. :)

We'd like to request that you do not post your fics/art elsewhere until the event is over on the 31st. You may, of course, post a link from your own journal.

Watchers, members, participants and lurkers - we'd all love you to read, look at and review the creative efforts that are going to be posted over the coming weeks. Feedback is always appreciated by the authors and artists, and it really does make everyone’s hard work worthwhile.

If you have any questions at all, or need help with anything, please leave a comment to this post or email us at

Lots of luck and inspiration, and not too much perspiration! We hope you have fun with your prompts and can’t wait to see what you come up with over the next month! :D

posting format, summer hallows jumble

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