Title: So This Is Romance …
gilpin25Rating and Warnings: R (Not very fluffy romance or language at times)
Prompts: Thing: Veritaserum; Place: Ministry of Magic; Time: A Day of Discovery; Genre: Romance
Word Count: 10,130
Summary: War gets in the way of absolutely everything, or so it seems. Especially a rather complicated relationship...
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Glad to hear you liked the characterisations in this one - I was a bit gone on Remus myself by the time he was creating starlit skies everywhere. The whole story was sort of based around having to snatch what moments you can when work and war get in the way, and everyone being honest because of having to make the most of the opportunities that come their way, rather than because they'd knocked back the Veritaserum. (I've probably cheated with the prompt there - keep mentioning it, but nobody actually ever gets to take it, LOL).
Thanks a lot for your lovely comments. I was quite fond of this one by the end, so it's great to hear you enjoyed it too. And let me know your next dentist appointment, and I might do the "Breeding Nifflers" sequel for you. Now that would be an icon and a half! ;)
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