April Drabble Round-Up: The Story So Far...

Apr 13, 2009 18:52

Hope you've all been enjoying the Easter break, and/or the holiday weekend. Here's a list of the fics posted so far for our April drabbles. Do have a read of them and leave a comment for our authors, and if you fancy penning or drawing one yourself, then pop over to this post here to check out the details and have a go. All you've really got to do is give it an April theme or timescale.:D

Chocolatey Air by carnivalgirl, rated G

April Showers by francesca_blue, rated PG

Expected... and Unexpected WIP Excerpt by goldenwanderer, rated PG

Rain by ravenna_t, rated PG-13

Porridge WIP Excerpt by shimotsuki, rated PG

spring drabbles

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