
Dec 31, 2008 17:11

Title: Messages
Author: shimotsuki
Rating & Warnings: PG, for mild profanity
Prompts: time away from work; “Well...all right. I’ll try and help. But it’ll have to wait...I’m afraid. I have a lot to do before the holidays. I chose a very inconvenient time to fall ill.”-J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Word Count: 3841 words
Summary: ( Read more... )

shimotsuki, the pink christmas advent, drama

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train_lindz January 1 2009, 17:24:38 UTC
You = fabulous.

I read this last night and couldn't find the words to describe how much I loved it. 15 hours later and my vocabulary isn't suiting me much better.

Ted. I love the idea that he wasn't permanently on the run, and that he was coming back to check in, despite the potential risk, to see his family and the reaction of Andromeda having him return was beautiful, and made my heart ache to think about her being left alone with Teddy after DH.

Andromeda. Her character felt very real to me. Stately, closed off and acting in a manner of someone raised in the House of Black, yet family oriented, only wanting what is best for her daughter. I see her as being more annoyed with Remus for his desertion then his werewolf affliction. Of course she didn't understand his efforts - she didn't trust him after leaving her baby once. Her reaction to his gift was wonderful.

Remus. Having him tell Tonks exactly when he'd be back and what he was doing was so very in character, having him make amends continuously for his moments of stupidness in DH. The mirrors are wonderful (though you have me curious as to whos McGonagall's is matched with), and reminiscent of his Marauder origins.

Tonks. I love her perspective on this, being the one person who links all these people together, silently fighting for all of them to get along. The idea of no longer being useful in a war would be devastating for her, a warrior at heart and throwing herself into Christmas is the perfect escape.

This is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *insert more exclaimation points here*


shimotsuki January 1 2009, 22:21:18 UTC
You = way too kind!

Thank you so much for such a lovely review. The things you've commented on about the different characters are some of the major things I was hoping to do with this story, so I'm very happy that they stood out to you.

Ted. I love the idea that he wasn't permanently on the run -- I really don't understand why Ted didn't leave the country and go somewhere that was actually safe. So I decided to play with the idea that he wanted to stay close enough to be able to go home sometimes. (Also, being in touch with Ted would make DH year slightly less sucky for the Tonks-Lupin family, which I think they totally deserve.)

As for McGonagall's mirror, I didn't intend anything too exciting with that, heh. She's pretty isolated up there at Hogwarts with Death Eaters watching her every move, so she'd probably get one for talking to someone useful in the Order...


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