FIC: The Gift

Jun 18, 2008 15:57

Title: The Gift
Author: tegdoh
Ratings and Warnings: G; none
Prompts: The word 'flap'
Word Count: 1470
Summary: Teddy has a surprise in mind for someone's birthday.
Author's Notes: I wanted to write fluff, and I'm pretty sure this qualifies. This fic came out of the blue and hasn't been beta'd; concrit is welcomed. I'm not sure about the ending, in ( Read more... )

the beatles and the bard, tegdoh, general, alternate universe, humour

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Comments 26

merryb87 June 18 2008, 20:51:33 UTC
*Claps* Wonderful job! I do love how you used your prompt, and Teddy, he is such a sweet boy, giving his father something like that.

I also really enjoyed the "Oi, Kids in the room" a very nice take on the "Oi, there is a war going on here!" lol Harry is so modest!


tegdoh June 20 2008, 02:51:42 UTC
Thanks very much. This one kind of came to me at the last minute, and I'm glad you liked it.


jessickuh June 19 2008, 04:03:03 UTC
I think this fic calls for a proper icon. I love the Lupins!


tegdoh June 20 2008, 02:51:56 UTC
Thank you. :-)


sspring92 June 19 2008, 04:19:12 UTC
This was so nice! I always wish I was a writer so I had very deep and professorial things to say, but ::squee:: I love seeing the Au with them happy and wonderful! and I love the line "they do stuff all the time!" Thanks so much! I thought this was really wonderful!


tegdoh June 20 2008, 02:53:21 UTC
Thanks - I'm rather partial to AUs myself!


chococoffeekiss June 19 2008, 15:55:10 UTC
Yes, *squee* is always appropriate.
Very cute...yay for AU!


tegdoh June 20 2008, 02:53:46 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad to make you squee!


shimotsuki June 19 2008, 17:49:25 UTC
Aw, my very favorite kind of fluff -- with kernels of character development inside. :) It speaks volumes that Remus takes the idea of the watch a whole lot better than everyone around him does...or thinks he will. I also like the idea that Andromeda gets to give him indulgent presents, but only on his birthday (and it melts my heart a little that she feels she wants to do something to make up for all his lean years).

I also really like this glimpse of Harry; it cracks me up that he's still squeamish about Remus and Tonks kissing even though he's now married with a child of his own. And his interaction with Teddy at the beginning is lovely, too -- I like the idea of him having a close relationship with his godson even in a happier AU scenario where Teddy's not an orphan.

I'm hardly qualified to give advice about endings, since I have a phobia about them, but I do like yours. (And hee for your author's note -- maybe R&T can make a guest appearance on that show "Weeds"?)


tegdoh June 20 2008, 02:59:23 UTC
It speaks volumes that Remus takes the idea of the watch a whole lot better than everyone around him does...or thinks he will.

That one kind of surprised me as well! But when I sat down to write his reaction, I just couldn't imagine him getting all angsty about such a sweet gift from his son. Maybe a bit bittersweet, but at this point 8 or 9 years down the road, I'd hope he would have outgrown most of his insecurities.

I like the idea of Remus, Tonks, Andromeda, Teddy and Harry (and Livi, in my AU) building a little family together. I know a lot of AU writers have Remus and Tonks living in their own house after the war, but after losing Ted I think it would mean a lot to Andromeda to help raise her grandson. And I've always had a soft spot for extended families, something I think we've lost a bit in modern society.

Anyway, glad you enjoyed it!


shimotsuki June 20 2008, 03:14:12 UTC
I know a lot of AU writers have Remus and Tonks living in their own house after the war, but after losing Ted I think it would mean a lot to Andromeda to help raise her grandson.

Hee. Our AU ficverses converge again -- I completely agree that Andromeda would be part of this happy family after the war.

I forgot to say that I was charmed by Olivia and look forward to seeing more of her, too!


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