Fic: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle

Jun 08, 2008 20:12

Title: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle
Author: Fics-by-Fumph
Rating & Warnings: K+/PG for slight sexual innuendo.
Prompts: Beatles prompt: Don’t Ever Change: "You never wear a suit of lace/the powder's not on your face./You're always wearing jeans/except on sunday./So please don't ever change."
Word Count: 1,742
Summary: Tonks shares a secret with Remus on ( Read more... )

the beatles and the bard, romance, humour

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Comments 32

katyscarlett76 June 8 2008, 21:27:29 UTC
That was lovely! I love wedding fics! I thought it was a nice touch, Tonks wearing her jeans under her dress, LOL!

Just a couple of little things though, surely the Weasleys' have been married longer than twenty years? Given the ages of the older boys at this point? Also Privet Drive's in Surrey not Sussex.

That being said, I did really enjoy this fluffy little piece, put a smile on my face!


emmacmf June 8 2008, 21:40:55 UTC
I maaaaaaaay be displaying atrociously bad maths skills a la Jo Rowling ... in fact, yes, yes I am ... d'oh. That should read thirty (hangs head in shame).

And why did I type Sussex instead of Surrey?!

Glad you enjoyed it despite my errors!


Awww. chococoffeekiss June 8 2008, 22:39:14 UTC
I loved it, Tonks would definitely wear her jeans under her dress; something old and blue, haha. The line about Remus and his lack of 'best men' was touching, I'm going to have to go fix my eyeliner now. Absolutely lovely.
I have the same song as you for a prompt, but a different set of lyrics. I hope mine turns out as well.


Re: Awww. fics_by_fumph June 8 2008, 22:50:55 UTC
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I look forward to seeing what you do with your prompt.


sasher_copy June 8 2008, 22:58:24 UTC
That was so adorable. So unabashedly adorable. I'll be smiling all day tomorrow.



fics_by_fumph June 8 2008, 23:00:38 UTC
Aaaaw, thanks, I love hearing that I've made people smile!

You can't marry Christian, because I'M going to *nods*. Open at the Close is my absolute favourite song, Wrock or otherwise. Incredible.


sspring92 June 8 2008, 23:30:37 UTC
Aww..Very nice fluff for a Sunday afternoon! I really like that Remus wasn't already doubting his decision a occurs in so many fics. Found Remus with no best man touching and sad as well. But, I could have seen Arthur standing up for him. Thanks for posting! I look forward to seeing more from you.


fics_by_fumph June 8 2008, 23:42:03 UTC
Thank you! I appreciate you commenting.

I considered having Arthur be Remus's best man, but decided against it, as I thought Remus would rather have nobody if he couldn't have James, Sirius or Harry.

I always imagine Remus and Tonks getting married very quickly; once Remus listened to reason and gave in, there would be no reason for them to wait, and no time for doubt.

Remus doesn't strike me as particularly impulsive, but I do think that once he reaches a decision, he is swift to act upon it.


shoebox_addict June 8 2008, 23:44:29 UTC
Oh, this was wonderful! I really think you're writing style was quite good and I liked the story, it was a nice read. Good job!


fics_by_fumph June 9 2008, 00:09:38 UTC
Thank you!


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