Timeless Moon Ball Deadline Extension

May 30, 2008 12:57

Wotcher All,

We’ve been amazed and thrilled by the response to this event so far. Amazed because we knew the dates of it clashed with exams and holidays for many, including ourselves. Thrilled because so many of you have signed up, and it’s great to see such enthusiasm for Remus and Tonks, as well as so many new names to us.

As the weekend is fast approaching, and we’ve been cheered by reports of a certain scene in the upcoming HBP movie over at wolfandlady (be warned; there’s strong language if you follow the links), we know some of you are worried about making the deadline (including ourselves again;)). So we’ve decided to extend it until Wednesday, June 18th. Hopefully, those concerned about rushing now won’t have to, even more may be able to take part, and those of you who have already posted are welcome to come back for another set of prompts and do it all again! Sign-ups are continuing throughout the ball and you can find them here.

In the meantime, we're sure you’ll agree that there’s been some memorable art and fics posted already, and we’re looking forward to many more. Please continue to show your support for everyone’s hard work and leave a review, if you can, as it’s very much appreciated by all.

Hope you all have a nice weekend and that there won’t be any anxious sweat being mopped from fevered brows now!:D

the beatles and the bard, community info

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