Winter Wonderland Awards

Jan 28, 2008 09:43

In the snow, awards are glistening,
So we hope you're all listening,
It's warmer outside,
But we hope you'll sport them with pride,
Award time in a winter wonderland.

Well, the Winter Wonderland Advent is now officially over, and we'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for taking part and providing us with such a wonderful array of Christmassy fics and art to warm the cockles of our R/T hearts. It was great to see so many new names taking part, and we hope you'll all be back again next time.

As you'll see from the results of the Community Choice Vote, things were very close with lots of fic and art getting votes, but the winners are:

Community Choice Awards, Art:

Do They Know It's Christmastime?, by philotic_net

Wait, Is That Really The Title?, by philotic_net

Window Pain, by drumher

Community Choice Award, Fic:

Little Boxes, by seer_of_spots

The Glass Slipper, by gilpin25

To Believe, by jesspallas

The Night Before Christmas, by wildmagelet

Something Right, by bratanimus

Give My Heart, by goldenwanderer

The Christmas Waltz, by ladybracknell

Outstanding Contribution, Art

Do They Know It's Christmastime?, by philotic_net

Special Recognition, Art

Vigil Keeping, by chesnutella

Window Pain, by drumher

It's the time for play, by hrymfaxe

Outstanding Contribution, Fic

Little Boxes, by seer_of_spots

Special Recognition, Fic

To Believe, by jesspallas

The Things We Remember, by shimotsuki

Genre Awards:


Little Boxes, by seer_of_spots

The Sounding Joy, by jadeddiva


The Things We Remember, by shimotsuki

The Night Before Christmas, by wildmagelet


To Believe, by jesspallas

Best Kept Secrets, by joely_jo


He Knows, by tierfal

This Christmas, by i_i_i_dunno


Something Right, by bratanimus

Deck the Halls, These Prison Walls, by celtmama

Outstanding Newcomers:



Congratulations to all the winners, and once again, thank you to those of you who took part, whether as an artist, writer, reader, or reviewer.

winter wonderland advent, awards, award banners, community info

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