Title: In Peace
MrsTater Rating & Warnings: G, religious themes
Prompts: cooking, "Sleep in heavenly peace, sleep in heavenly peace." (Josef Mohr)
Word Count: 4145
Summary: Remus has long since moved on from thinking his marriage was a mistake for which Tonks has paid too dearly, but when the war brings grim tidings for his family on
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Much as I want to emphasize the happiness I have to believe Remus did find that year, I didn't want to completely ignore how much hardship they must experience all the time. Tonks, especially, must be so saddened by Mad-Eye's death and Ted leaving and knowing just what her mother's going through without him, and I think it wouldn't do Tonks justice as a character to not address the loss of her job and the financial effects (not to mention this outcast thing Remus brings up), so I'm very very pleased to know you think there's a good mix of the baby fluff against the backdrop of all that's befallen them.
Thanks for your thoughtful comments on the details of Remus coming home; it's always so nice to know when those little descriptive moments get noticed and add to the feel of a piece, and I'm of course thrilled you like him singing. That was almost the first image I had for this fic, as I get such a kick out of filking songs, lol. And then my other idea, for some reason, was Remus having somehow sat through a church service during an Order assignment, because I'd been thinking about him in relation to Joseph in the Christmas story, so it's great you think his thought process culminates in the fic. And I totally agree with you about leaving voiding the sacrifices -- I think it's so true of both Remus and Ted.
Again, I so appreciate your thoughtful comments. Merry Christmas, good luck with your drawing, and I hope your cold is better!
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