Title: Rescue Me
lizetMRating: G
Prompts: Day of Rescue, Genre: Drama, Location: #18
Medium: Sketch on paper, w/pencil, and colored in the GIMP
Summary: "I was lost, tired, and alone...he came and found me."
Artist's Notes: Pssh, yeah, yeah, I like TOTALLY missed the deadline. But that's what happens when a)you are a procrastinator, b)you go to
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Comments 20
The only thing I could say concrit-wise, and not being much of an artist myself I don't really have any idea about how to correct these things myself, is that it seems like the scale between the two of them might be slightly off. But I do like that we get to see Tonks' nice legs in the picture!
You shouldn't underrate yourself so. Your work gets better and better all the time!
Yes, I think this was my biggest problem with it. I unintentionally made Tonks look like a young teenager, that for a moment, I thought about her as one, and Remus as meeting her in her young age during that 'rescue'....but then I kinda felt it was a stupid idea.
Now I feel bad about saying that I suck, you're the second person who's said not to do that. I'll guess I'll start looking one the bright side of my work from now on.
Oh, and the hair, of both of them, is what I like the most too. Thanks! :D
Nice job.
But thanks for the advise, and I'm glad you found this ok. :D
I like the background and the colouring, especially Tonks' hair.
But Tonks seems a bit too small and delicate, like a doll, in contrast to Remus.
Aside from the proportions, a great piece of art!
Thanks. :D
Actually I like it alot!:D
'cause you've captured the mood really nicely.The way a viewer wants to know what happened before and will happen after this.
For coloring (which is nice and has it's own style and from this I can say you clearly do NOT suck at coloring!) using Photosshop will really help and there for for soft shadows try to shade with a hard brush and then use smuge tool to soften it. it usually works better than airbrushing. However you should try and experience the ways and styles of coloring that work better for you.
coloring thelines will really help bring life to a drawing but I don't think I can fit it in a comment!
Sorry for the long thing!;^^
oh BTW the texture you've used for the background is really a nice touch and their hair look nice too!:D
Um, thanks for the advise, I'm glad you liked it even with its many flaws. :D
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