Rube Goldberg San

Apr 06, 2008 12:54

I have always had a fondness for Rube Goldberg machines - the way that deterministic physics can be used to create the surprisingly inevitable.

I found today a link or two to videos of a Japanese competition and they're wonderful. They are much less fussy than their Western counterparts with more emphasis on really cute mechanisms and multiple interactions. Also much more use of household objects, and the same object multiple times. Well worth 10 minutes of a snowy (or indeed quite nicely sunny but with a hint of cloud) Sunday afternoon. My fave's at 7.11.

image Click to view

[And here's a link if LJ is failing to show embedded videos properly (again)...]
So it turns out the excellent Honda Cog advert wasn't a completely new track (although I still frown on them for not rewarding the Swiss guys who they rather ripped off).
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