May 13, 2004 21:47
WEll, I went insane today. FULLY fucking insane.
As in I acutlaly got to school.. one thing led to another. Before you knew it, I was lecturing and SCREAMING. Every second word was "fuck" or "fucking" All because of work. Yes, that's right, work sent me insane. Anyhow, I have to go because I need sleep because I have to fucking work tomorrow.
Anyhow, here's a cut and paste of what I told someone else about it, that way you can get the idea and I can go to bed.
3.141592654 ] [Note to Self: EAT SOMETHING] says:
there was a lot of screaming
[ 3.141592654 ] [Note to Self: EAT SOMETHING] says:
a lot of swearing.. and lastly tears
*person*: who did you take it out on?
[ 3.141592654 ] [Note to Self: EAT SOMETHING] says:
no one really... I just kinda.. had an audience while screaming.. >_>
*person*: that must have been wierd for everybody
[ 3.141592654 ] [Note to Self: EAT SOMETHING] says:
not really, at first they foudn it horribly entertaining
[ 3.141592654 ] [Note to Self: EAT SOMETHING] says:
and then they got REALLY scared
[ 3.141592654 ] [Note to Self: EAT SOMETHING] says:
... two people even walked away xD
3.141592654 ] [Note to Self: EAT SOMETHING] says:
and I'm like "Fine then! DON'T care about my mental health!" and then I kept ranting on and on and on.. swearing every step of the way
[ 3.141592654 ] [Note to Self: EAT SOMETHING] says:
every second word managed to be fuck or fucking.. or somethign like that
3.141592654 ] [Note to Self: EAT SOMETHING] says:
yeah, and then finally, I just felll apart and went to tears.. and then followed by a hell of a lot of swearing
[ 3.141592654 ] [Note to Self: EAT SOMETHING] says:
meanwhile, those who were left were all "holy shit, if you EVER tell off your employer.. record it! it'd be funny as hell, or at least let me be a strategically placed customer at the time!"
3.141592654 ] [Note to Self: EAT SOMETHING] says:
or "dude.. quit your job, it sucks, QUIT IT NOW!"
Yeah, that's pretty much it.