Pray for an ice day!

Feb 15, 2006 23:11

This week has been going pretty good. Quickly. And i know that i dont have school friday. That always makes it nice. I really hope that it gets bad out so we dont have school tomorrow but i try not to get my hopes up. But i almost dont really care if we do or dont.
I hope everyone had a great valentines day. I had a good valentines day. i spent it with amanda and j.d. we went out to have indian food. Then we went to lake harbor and went down to the beach and it was really nice.
So i am transfering to Booker. I dont even know if that is how it is spelled but i think that it is. But yeah I am transfering like at the end of the month and i am really excited to meet some new people i hope that it will be a good experience for me. I am really noticing how horrible i am at putting like paragraphs together and what not. horrible.
Speaking of indian food. I gave a facial to an indian woman today. She had a beautiful accent and it was scary because she new alot about facials and used to get them in india and stuff. It was just scary giving someone who is knowledgable or experienced, something like a facial. I dont know. Indian people are very beautiful I dont know what it is about them but the women especially are just gorgeous, they all just have this like mysterious sophisticated look to them. And their skin is so soft and nice. anyways. for some reason i dont feel like capitalizing anything.

At The Future Dreams salon we have a special during the month of february. We are giving scalp treatments (cholesterol applied to the scalp with a massage) and a shampoo blowdry and curling iron for 7.50 Its awesome, it is my favorite of all the services that we offer. Anyway incase anybody is interested ... since i am leaving in a couple weeks. You should come out. Our hours are tuesday through friday. 10 to 3. JUst call 924 0480 to make sure we are open because we have a lot of stuff going on since we are connected with all the other schools in our county,.

Anyways. i think that i have done enough talking. I am going to go to bed.
Good night everybody.
I have to say one more thing. Lately i have been getting into lauryn hill she is a cool lady with a beautiful voice. And i think that my favorite song right now is To Zion by lauryn hill. Its so nice, when i listen to it and i get into it, it is one those songs that makes me want to cry. Its amazing.
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