(no subject)

Nov 01, 2003 15:23

Well well. Looks like University of Michigan takes the victory over Michigan State. Hmmm. Intriguing. At least now Ohio State has a shot at the conference championship.

Can Ohio State beat University of Michigan for the third time in as many years? Let's hope so!

What happens if I end up going to University of Michigan for college though? -_-;;

Oh well.. Ohio State vs. Penn State right now!

~EDIT~: OMC.. that was SOOOOO close. Penn State almost won. Gah! 21-20 Ohio State. Whew! Down to the last second too.. geez.

And man.. Edwin.. *shakes head*

guiltypartyof1: Ohio State made it!
i ehr **: thats cool
guiltypartyof1: Yep!!!!
i ehr **: basketball?
guiltypartyof1: ..
guiltypartyof1: football
i ehr **: football?
i ehr **: lol
guiltypartyof1: lol
i ehr **: is this for the rose bowl?
guiltypartyof1: Oh man
guiltypartyof1: No Edwin.. that's a while from now
i ehr **: sigh...
i ehr **: the cube 2 is on scifi

sports, convos: im

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