It's a really small world

Aug 09, 2010 18:40

After I joined the Ruckus, I started getting emails from some publicists about random bands. This morning I got one about French Horn Rebellion. I read this email in a daze this morning on my phone, but that name was still very familiar.

That's when I remembered French Horn Rebellion was one of the first bands I ever worked with/interacted with, waaaay back when I was at Northwestern. I was on a committee for booking activities during Dance Marathon, and FHR was one of the bands I booked for our concert event. I vaguely mention it here.

It makes me want to contact them about their new album to review it for the site just out of sheer nostalgia. It also makes me really miss Northwestern and SEA YAK. Today is Elizabeth's birthday too, so I'm doubly nostalgic.

Anyway. Random.

school: nu, nostalgia, friends: sea yak, music: ruckus

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