I don't know, things.

Jul 01, 2010 19:33

I really need a job. I'm kind of in that frantic stage of looking where I'm preparing to resume bomb basically any job listing that I could even potentially be qualified for. First I have to fix up my resume though. It's really annoying, and I just want it to be over already. Ugh, adult life.

In other way more awesome news, on Sunday I went to the Thao and Mirah with the Most of All concert (which was Thao and her music, plus Mirah and her music on stage together. Really odd, but really cool). The awesome thing is, because of The Ruckus, I got to interview Thao. My ~first interview~. She was really nice and cute in person, and it was seriously a ton of fun.

I got to go with Megan, so that was also awesome, as it always is to hang out with Megan. And, I know you're curious as to what deliciousness she gave me this time. I got Banana snack cake which has THE BEST frosting ever on it. I usually don't like frosting because it's too sweet, but this was just A+.

Later this month, my parents and I are going back to New York to visit my brother and his family for his birthday. (Here's hoping Sonali doesn't get me sick again...) That should be fun, and this time, if all goes well, I'll have more than just 8 or so hours in New York. There's a lot I didn't get a chance to see the last time. Also, even though it consists of all the kinds of music my brother makes fun of me for listening to, we're going to Lilith Fair in Boston. I don't even know why, but he was all for it, so there you go. My first time seeing Sarah McLachlan in concert <3<3 I may swoon.

Also: The US exploded an H-bomb in space in order to see if they could affect the Van Allen belts. Really? "We just discovered a vast, intricate, finely balanced system of radiation and magnetic fields surrounding the entire planet that likely has been there for eons performing some important function we don't yet fully understand... LET'S SEE IF WE CAN FUCK IT UP!" Good job, USA.

family: akash, music: concerts, music: ruckus

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