This week has gone by so fast, I almost forgot it was time for me to post. I'm actually really glad the week has sped by, because tonight is the Tegan and Sara concert in Royal Oak! Megan (
rainbowbrite227, her boyfriend Jake and I are all going and it is going to be so much fun. Megan is also going to make me ~black bean burgers~ for dinner AND since I'm spending the night there, I will totally be getting some amazing breakfast too. Basically Megan is awesome, guys.
Apparently people are already lining up outside the venue, even though doors don't open until 7. If you thought I was obsessed, well.
In other news, I have just about one month left of my undergraduate career. This is beyond exciting, but also pretty bad news for my motivation which, as you may have gathered previously, is already pretty low. I have 4 papers, 1 exam and 1 project left of the semester. THIS IS NOTHING. Also, I'm hanging around a GPA right now (if I don't drop the ball) that MIGHT bring up my cumulative, which I really, really want to happen.
I have been playing way too much Dr. Mario than is probably good for me. Like, staying up until 4 am, and playing every spare minute. IT'S SO FUN. Nonetheless, Matt keeps kicking my ass when we face off because I can't set up combos. Alas.
PS. Happy Spring everyone! I hope it's actually acting like Spring where you are, instead of being a weather cocktease like Michigan.