the worst part of writing an entry is thinking of a subject line

Feb 18, 2010 13:36

For Spring Break this year (in two weeks, because Michigan thinks the first week of March is Spring for some reason), I'm going to be going to New York! Mostly to help my brother move into his new place, but psh, I'm so going off to do my own thing. If anyone lives nearby, maybe we can meet up. Or, if you have any suggestions for things I must see/do, let me know! I've never been before, so even the most obvious tourist traps are new and exciting for me.

I've been looking up some concerts I'd like to go to in the next few months. There are a lot, but only three that are even possibilities. One I already have tickets for: Tegan and Sara on March 27th. Kaki King is playing in Ann Arbor on May 5th, which I'm pretty sure I can attend as it requires no car.

However, Spoon is playing on a Tuesday, March 30th, in Royal Oak, so even though I REALLY want to go, I have no form of transport. Plus the show conveniently starts at the same time my class does (6pm). This is my awesome Anc. Gk. Sexuality class, so I kind of don't want to miss it, but if I magically procured a car and someone to join me, I would totally go.

Recently I was going through pictures on my camera and found this one from right before Christmas. It's Sonali imitating her Aunt Ami, and doing a hilariously accurate job. All she needs is a laptop, and that is my holiday break in a nutshell.

(Don't worry, there was no actual Dr. Pepper left in the can.)

music: concerts, music: tegan and sara, family: sonali, pics: personal

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