I straight up just killed a dude with a turnip.

Jan 26, 2010 23:48

Right, so it's posting time again. Man, I really am not going to like this every week thing. Not much has happened since my last post. Oh, I definitely got into my Philosophy class I was worried about, so I'm still getting my minor. Yay for that.

Regarding the future: I still haven't applied for Teach for America (the deadline is in 1.5 weeks...) or any other programs, so I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to resort to crawling back to Caribou come this summer. This thought has been so pervasive and anxiety-inducing that I've been having coffee anxiety dreams again, where I'm back behind the counter making endless drinks and dealing with customers and being late for shifts. It's been almost two years since I quit that place, and yet here I am, still plagued by it.

Okay, it really wasn't that bad, but I just... want to move on. Maybe I can get my old job at Alps back, or some other administrative or office-type work (which isn't really moving on, I guess). If all else fails, I'm making my sister take me on vacation all summer to Europe and Asia and South America... Hey, someone's got to enjoy all her money, right? *nudges Prit*

The other day I broke out my old NES after quite a long break from playing it, and now all I want to do is play constantly. I'm trying to still be on top of reading and stuff, but it's like - do I want to read the debate of whether you can commit unfree actions by going against your own will, or do I want to beat the snot out of Bowser in a raccoon flying suit? I think the answer is self-evident.

Speaking of which, my friend Mugs sent me this awesome link: Super Mario Texts From Last Night. Hilarity. One of my favorites: "WHERE ARE THEY GETTING ALL THESE HAMMERS"

For someone who had nothing to write about when I started this entry, I certainly rambled enough. Whatever, see you next week.

family: priti, school: uofm

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