owl versus dove

Jun 18, 2009 02:04

More tales from the wall of a bathroom stall:

Person 1: I hate being on my period
Person 2: haha, true that!
Person 3: At least you're not prego

Person 1: For a good time, call Sally!

Metric was REALLY GREAT. Emily Haines was a little crazy but in a cute way, and super energetic. I haven't danced/sweated that much at a concert since a mosh pit experience in my youth. I'll spare you the intricate details since I know no one cares, haha. I'm happy I got to go though. And I strongly recommend their new album Fantasies to everyone.

The other day in my Philosophy class, we were discussing the moral permissibility of killing various types of living creatures. Each group had a list, including apples, insects, pigs, coma patients, etc. and we had to put them on a scale - basically what type of creatures it is more morally permissible to kill in different circumstances (for food, for fun, for self-defense, etc.).

This other girl in the group and I decided to play devil's advocate and claim it was more morally permissible to kill a fetus (12 weeks old) than it was to kill a lobster, because at that stage of development, fetuses feel less pain than lobsters do. Apparently we were very convincing because the rest of the group eventually accepted that proposal.

That activity made me a worse human being, y/n? Before you make a decision, this statement may have actually come out of my mouth: "I'd rather have an abortion than eat a lobster." I can not claim any actual validity of that belief, but it WAS said.

music: arts & crafts, music: concerts, school: uofm, as seen in ann arbor

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