I need a space heater

Oct 02, 2008 13:55

Either my apartment complex has not turned on the central heat so we can control our thermostats, or 85 degrees Fahrenheit just got a WHOLE FUCKING LOT COLDER. No, seriously it's like 50 in here.

Other than the constant shivering, I am going insane from all the homework being thrown my way this semester. Everyday I have around 2-3 hours of Greek (because our teacher claims this should be the average, and gauges how much to give us based on this), about an hour or so of Latin, and A GAZILLION YEARS of reading. Plus I've got a paper due every Friday and various other such things. I don't even have weekends to look forward to, because I use that time to catch up on the reading I put off during the week.

:( I just want to watch all the pretty new seasons of TV.

Anyway, enough complaining. Point is, I've been kind of AWOL (except late, late at night.. and then I'm loopy from all the caffeine), so sorry about that.

Despite all the freaking homework, I somehow convinced myself I can totally still go to Columbus next Wednesday for the Tegan and Sara and Death Cab for Cutie concert. Um. My friend Sameera (of SEA YAK fame, hey!) is driving down from Chicago on Monday and we will spend a couple days here, then on Wednesday we'll drive down right after my Greek class and then come right back that same night. Hopefully I will not regret this. I think it's going to be FANTASTIC though.

Okay I have to go and read the four Gospels of the New Testament now. Later.

music: concerts, school: uofm

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