Today is my sister's birthday!
I like my sister. I like her so much I let her read my LJ. Of course this causes me some embarrassment due to the content/comments in my journal. But I'm pretty sure my sister's has grown accustomed to my... er. Candor?
Sometimes she comments to my journal anonymously, but signs with "VS" It stands for "vamparr sister" which is a little in-joke between us, from back in the day. My mom watches Days of Our Lives regularly. When I was younger and on summer break from school, sometimes my sister came around for her lunch break and we'd all eat in the living room while my mom watched. There was a storyline about this character who had a thick Southern accent and was a bit crazy. She would always call one of the bad guys a "mean ol' vamparr." My sister and I thought this was hilarious and whenever one of us would get teased by the other, we'd go "you're just a mean ol' vamparr!! Mean ol' vamparr sister!" So yeah. It stuck. Someday when I make her get a livejournal, that will be her username.
ANYWAY. We all had dinner at her house today. Scott made her a cake, but he couldn't find any candles.. so he lit this one and she blew it out. Except when she was actually blowing it out, I completely forgot to take a picture. So this is posed, oops. Oh well.