Part 2 in our nth part series: Buffy/Angel/Firefly dorkitude.
I think the biggest part of my Buffyverse dorkitude lies in the comics. I have every single issue that's ever been released related to these three shows. Every regular release, every one-shot, every 2 or 3 issue side story, EVERYTHING. It was an endeavor I started way after the first comic series had been cancelled, so I had to utilize Ebay and back issue stores. Because of that, I definitely payed far too much for some issues (I think I payed 20 bucks for "Wannablessedbe" because I couldn't find it ANYWHERE and it was the LAST ONE I NEEDED.) It adds up to over 200 issues. TWO HUNDRED. And growing, since there are new Buffy and Angel series. v_v; I didn't even realize I had that many until I had to haul them all out for this picture.
I even have random "Dark Horse Presents" magazines, or other comic magazines that have random Buffy/Angel strips. WHAT'S MORE, those big sheets of paper on the side there are ads that Dark Horse sent out with samples of their popular titles. That's right, I have the ads that feature Buffy. (Unfortunately, not all of these, because I don't know which numbers have Buffy.. they're not well recorded online. Trust me, I've looked.) Also, I have a few of the trade paperbacks they released before I started collecting the single issues, so they're duplicates :/
bitter_crimson even bought me the Buffy: Panel to Panel book, which breaks down the comics and has a bunch of geeky commentary by the artists and writers. SO. Yeah. I'm crazy.
Then there's the book books.
bitter_crimson also bought me the Quotable Slayer and Fear and Trembling in Sunnydale books. The first one isn't quite so geeky, just random funny quotes from the series. But the latter is all these scholarly essays on the philosophy found in Buffy. Because there are seriously grown men and women with Ph.Ds and masters and other such qualifications out there who write things like "A Slayer's Solution to Aristotle's Love Paradox" or "Between Heaven and Hells: The Multidimensional Universe in Kant and Buffy the Vampire Slayer." I LOVE it. Philosophy and Buffy are two of my favorite topics! Anyway. There's also a collection of essays on Firefly, Finding Serenity(also very scholarly, discussing various themes and metaphors, etc) and Slayer Slang, which dissects LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS of Buffy (also a favorite topic, as you know). And then just a random "Watcher's Guide" to Season 1 and 2.. which I didn't actually like very much, which is why I didn't continue buying the rest of the series. ... At least I don't have the
umpteen novels that the show came out with?
We also have the Pez Witch. This is a duplicate of the one that
Oz gave to Willow in Season 3 of Buffy. I saw it once in a random antiques and trinket store and had to have it. ... IT'S COOL OK??
I just realized I forgot to include my T-shirts.
dragonnite55555 bought me the "Joss Whedon is my Master Now" shirt (he's the creator of these series, in case you didn't know, though I doubt anyone who doesn't know cares enough to get this far in the post... *cough*), and he so is. I will watch/own practically everything he does. *absolutely can not wait for
Dollhouse* There's also my Serenity shirt. It's from the commercial, and if you've seen the movie you know what I'm talking about. But there's at least one person on my flist who hasn't that plans to, so I don't want to spoil.
Of course, there's the geekery that I didn't BUY, but MADE. The epitome of that is of course:
BUFFYOPOLY. Perhaps my favorite thing I've ever created. Because I am geek.
beppergirl has recently been watching the entire run of Buffy and Angel for the first time, posting her reactions as she goes. This makes me want to rewatch the series SO BAD. Therefore, I am forcing Rashmi (the friend from last week) to start watching with me this summer. We probably won't finish the series, BUT WE CAN TRY. She's agreed to watch the first few episodes tonight because she made me watch James McAvoy movies, and I'm hoping she gets addicted enough to continue of her own accord. She certainly obsessed over Firefly/Serenity after I lent those to her a couple weeks ago, hehe.