
Apr 21, 2008 13:09

I just don't care about my Ancient Greek final. Instead I will write about that Feist concert I never wrote about!

So I went on April 10th with my friend Alex to go see Feist. It was pretty awesome. It was at the Fillmore, so a much bigger venue than I had gotten used to. While we were standing in line outside, people from the venue came out to tell us the rules, which included "No crowdsurfing or moshing." ... yeah, I was so looking forward to starting a mosh pit during Honey, Honey.

The opener was this guy Hayden. He had a few good songs, and was pretty funny, but I don't think he really fit in with Feist's feel, if that makes sense. He was by himself, and mostly just played guitar with a harmonica around his neck. Sometimes he went to the piano. I don't know, it was just out of place for me.

But then Feist came on, and wow, she's amazing. Seriously. She's so funny and enthusiastic and just all around great. She only sang songs from Let it Die and The Reminder, which was a bit sad. I like Monarch a lot, even though it really doesn't sound like the rest of her stuff. Alex and I were both hoping there'd be a Broken Social Scene cover too. But alas, non.

Before she came out, Alex and I were trying to decide what her first song would be. I said I thought it'd be something from Let It Die, and Alex jokingly said it would be the weird one from that CD - When I Was A Young Girl (though I still think the French one is weirder). And yeah, it so was that song. Clearly this means her and Alex are soulmates, yes?

So of course she played the big songs like One Two Three Four and I Feel It All and had everyone sing along with her. But there was one bit of the show where she sang Honey, Honey and in the middle of it, she started "singing" about this theory she developed when she was touring in Europe that people often talk at concerts, but if the artist gets really quiet and practically whispers everyone shuts the hell up. Of course, as she's saying this, she's getting really quiet and the audience is all "SHHHHH!" It was hilarious. There was a point where she actually walked away from the mike and was talking in conversational tones from there.

Anyway, then she continued with the song and went into Intuition. The coolest thing about this song and a few others is that she had this weird voice delay thing on the side, so she could sing a few bars into it, and then it would repeat throughout the entire song. So she was able to recreate multiple voices when it was still only her. Awesome. I can't describe it very well, but hopefully you can still envision it.

The best one by far though was probably Sealion. It's not my favorite on the album or anything, but oh MAN did she rock out for it. Actually, it was a lot like her Juno performance of it:

image Click to view

It was fantastic.

A lot of the songs sounded much different from the album versions, which was pretty cool. It's like hearing a different interpretation. She played almost everything I thought she'd play, except One Evening. I was kind of sad about that, I love that song :(

So yeah. That was that. I love how I can't be concise about things ever, haha. Sorry.

Oh! Also, the next day, Kim called me up and told me about their math professor, who was saying how he wanted to go see Feist but couldn't make it, and how he loves Broken Social Scene. He also loves Buffy and makes geeky references to it all the time. So now apparently Kim would ship us. HAHAHA!!

internet: youtube, music: arts & crafts, music: concerts, friends: kim

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