take me take me to the riot

Mar 30, 2008 02:48

The short: AMAZING. The audience was fantastic, the band really seemed to enjoy being there and got into it, they rocked all the songs, I got my CD signed, and basically yeah. FANTASTIC.

So, the opening band was Pash. They were pretty good, even though their lead guitarist was a little crazy. I liked the last song they sang a lot, which I think was Down. The song won't load for me right now for some reason, but I'm pretty certain that's it since the only lyrics I can remember are "dowwwwwn, dowwwwwn, dooooown." Oh wait, it loaded now. It was better live.. but the next song "Kill The Rich Boys II" is cool.

Then this guy Martin Royle came out. His stuff was hilarious. Something that immediately endears him to me: the picture on his myspace for his "If Time Ran Backwards" song is Doctor Who. WIN. After a couple of his songs, Pash came back out and played a few more songs with him, which was pretty interesting. They aren't a joint band or anything, Pash just learned his songs and played with him. Weird.

Anyway, after they were done, we waited forever for them to come on D: They finally came on at 10:15!! But it was so worth it, don't worry.

The stage was set up with all these flowers taped to their stands and intruments and then about 2 dozen long stemmed roses that they kept throwing out to the audience every so often. Julie (the girl I went with.. who also went to Tegan and Sara with me the first time) got one of them too! :D

They played a few of songs from Set Yourself on Fire and In Our Bedroom After the War, a few from Heart, and I think one from Nightsongs, but I'm not sure because I don't know that album well enough.

They walked out to the opening of the IOBATW cd: The Beginning After The End. They didn't say the poem though. Torq recited his own poems in between songs every so often though, which I thought was adorable, haha.

Then they played The Night Starts Here, which was fantastic. It was a perfect song to start with, just the right amount of energy but still kind of calm.

Elevator Love Letter was next, and both Torquil Campbell and Amy Millan are seriously SO adorable when they sing songs together. Torq especially looks over to Amy a lot. Which is a little odd since he is married to someone else.. but it's still really adorable.

I don't remember the order or all the songs after that. I tried to get a set list, but the guy only gave them out to the hot girls :(

They played Take Me To the Riot, which was freaking AMAZING. Everyone got into and was singing along and dancing and it was awesome. Actually there were a lot of songs that people were singing along to for parts. Torq kept turning his mike around and Amy kept holding her hands out for us to finish her lyric. Songs I remember singing along to (actually I kind of sang to most of them, mostly internally, but these I shouted with the rest of the crowd): Your Ex-Lover Is Dead, What I'm Trying to Say, Reunion (for this song, Torq replaced "I had 6 too many drinks last night" with "I smoked 6 too many splits last night" and the crowd went crazy. The crowd went crazy anytime ANYONE mentioned drugs, heh.), One More Night (for this one, the whole crowd shouted "she still fucks like a tease" and Torq started laughing and almost messed up), and more I'm sure.

They played The Woods, Calendar Girl, My Favorite Book, Don't Be Afraid to Sing ummm *thinks*

OH. Hahahah, Personal. Okay, so I concede.. they're totally not kidding. They performed it VERY. SERIOUSLY. and I'll admit it was really beautiful and would have been moving, if I weren't a jerk and spent months convinced they were joking. Aww. They probably were the MOST into this song, seriously. When the bit came where "Caroline" is going to meet the guy, Amy got a glass of.. lemonade or something and was looking all hopeful as if she were waiting for him.. and Torq looked like he was about to sing and then just closed his mouth and walked away.. and then the next verse was Caroline being all "why didn't you show?" hahaha, I'M SORRY I'M CALLOUS, OKAY. No, really... it was pretty amazing.

Unfortunately they didn't play one of the songs I was REALLY hoping they'd play: Ghost of Genova Heights. I think that would have been utterly fantastic live, haha. Well, everything was amazing. Seriously, they're SO GOOD live.

At the end, Julie and I went up to the stage and like I said before tried to get a set list, but did not succeed, alas. We waited there anyway, and finally I asked the guy packing stuff up if there was a chance they'd sign stuff. He said if we waited there was a good chance, so we did, and then one of the guys from the band (the drummer - Pat McGee) came out and the other guy sent him over to us. So I asked him if he would please sign my album and he said "sure! Do you want me to get everyone to sign it?" And I was of course like YES. :D

I think it's Pat's signature in the upper left and it's really *star*P$*star* with a heart underneath it, haha. I can't really tell. Torq is on the bottom left with an "XO" and Amy's right on the hand and it says "love hard." They're so CUTE. Seriously <3

The pedals are from all the roses they had. I picked up a couple off the stage randomly. I don't know why, I'm not going to keep them. But they're pretty :) And of course, my ticket.

Anyway. Here are a couple pictures of them from someone's flickr (thegreensea - is that enough credit?) that I stole and that weren't even to the concert I went to. *shrugs*

The guy who took my CD to get signed :)

They're so INTO IT. I love it.

More into it.

I don't know what this instrument is called, but Torq kept using it and it was really cool! He also kept playing the trumpet, which sounded awesome, and jumping to the keyboard a lot. Fantastic.

ETA: This is the rose that Julie got :D

Umm. Ok, I guess I'll shut up now. Holy crap it's late, oops. Psst: if you want to hear some of their newer stuff, their myspace Or you could just ask me and I'd gladly provide. Seriously. Listen to them. They're fucking amazing.

P.S. Why do I not have a Stars/A&C icon? That needs to change.

music: arts & crafts, music: concerts, pics: random, pics: personal

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