You did wrong that you thought was good

Feb 24, 2008 16:20

It's Spring Break, that's fabulous.

I've got nothing planned except hanging out with friends, watching a lot of movies, eating a lot of calories, and MAYBE doing papers that are due the Wednesday I get back. But I mean, really.

My niece will be born ANY DAY NOW. She's officially due the 4th, but I've got this irrepressible feeling it's gonna be the 29th. Watch me be wrong. And watch her actually be a nephew.

My LJ paid account ran out. I paid for more :( *is disappointed in self*

I'm going to the Stars concert on March 29th. SO EXCITED. Yay! Feist is coming to town in April, and I'm wondering if I should buy tickets for that too. I am really starting to like her a lot, and I'm afraid I'll regret it if I don't and in 2 weeks I have a full-blown obsession. OPINIONS?

Nothing was here before, what?

music: arts & crafts, music: concerts, family: sonali

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