Lame. Kim was supposed to post for me today. After going on and on about it and how everyone else got to do it and blah blah, guess who bailed on me? Yeah, that's right. LAME-O KIM.
Um, today my sister had a get together for her birthday. It was pretty fun, we played games and ate really excellent homemade salsa and had pizza. One game was called Ladder Bola or Ball or something? And you like, throw these things that are two balls attached by a rope at three poles and try to hook the rope around them.. okay that makes no sense, let me find a link:
Honestly, it's like I think you care. Anyway, my mom and I played and she was totally beating me but then I think she got sick of it and stopped trying. Sad.
Also, I was just over at Kim's house (saying goodbye to her family's exchange student Naomi who is AWESOME) and Kim claimed I am not the sort to get an eyebrow piercing. I was slightly offended. I think I could pull of an eyebrow piercing, come on! I'm hip, I'm with it! *does awkward hand motion*
Poll What do you think? Song of the Day:
Arcade Fire - Rebellion (Lies) I'm really loving this CD a lot. I know I uploaded the whole thing a while ago, but if you just wanted to sample a song, try this guy out.
Random fact of the Day: The Russian government gets 10% of its national income from the sale of vodka. That's hilarious to me.