Okay, so I told Kim I didn't know what to write about. This is the result:
1. The last family vacation you took and how much it SUCKED. (Did it? Haha.): I think it was to Chicago for my uncle's suprise birthday party. I admit the family bit of it sucked, but I got to see SEA YAK for a couple days, so it was totally worth it.
2. Ice cream flavors: Um, what about ice cream flavors? Like my favorite kind, or? My favorite is Mint chocolate Chip, must admit. I find it interesting that a lot of times people ask you to choose between chocolate and vanilla as if it is an indicator of your personality. I'd choose vanilla between those two, but I would choose nearly any other flavor over vanilla. So what does that make me? Bland on the outside, but secretly full of fetishes? Wait, that seems to work.
3. If you had a fish what would you call him: Lil Bleu? Hahhahaha *dies* I'm such a dork, sorry. Only like four people will get that, er. I think it'd be Chaos. Which would be awkward because I am definitely getting a cat one day and naming it Chaos, so maybe some day Chaos will eat Chaos. It will all be quite entropic. *giggles again*
4. Do you like ferris wheels: Yes and no. I like the idea of them, and I like thinking about being on them. But when I'm actually nearing one, or on it, I freak the heck out about the height. It's SCARY man. And how many shows and things do you see with Ferris Wheel incidents, where someone's hanging off the top of it and OH GOSH.
5. WRITE ABOUT ME: Kim is ... inexplicable. I always have trouble talking about Kim because I can't use pronouns (Kim doesn't like them) and thus I have to just keep using the actual name, and that honestly gets repetitive. Kim likes zombies a lot. Kim gets really immersed in things for varying periods of time, often getting me dragged in as well, which just isn't good for my wallet. Once I wrote an essay for fake!college about the greatest influences in my life and I did my dad, my sister and Kim.
6. AND HOW MUCH I AM WIN: Kim is very the win.
7. Your favorite beverage: Oh gosh. I like Wild Cherry Pepsi a whole bunch. It's replaced Cherry Coke because I got all faux-political about the "Killer Coke" scandal. But I am growing quite fond of iced soy lattes with half a shot of caramel. I THINK I AM BECOMING OVERLY UPPITY. What.
8. What you would do if suddenly you woke up in the 1970s: Go see my mommy all young and hip! She'd be so awesome. I'd hang out with her and talk to her a bunch since she never really got to do that when she first moved her. Also, I'd curse myself for not having any sports knowledge so I could bet fortunes on games and alter the course of the future.
9. What kind of car you wish you had: Um. One that used only reusable fuel sources. In silver.
10. Foods you hate: Okra. They're like boogers, okay?
11. Zombies you love: Um. None? *hides from Kim*
12. Your favorite apocalypse: I think probably any given apocalypse from Buffy. Maybe the last one, even though the end kind of sucked as a whole. But like, Buffy and Faith and Willow and Xander and Giles and Dawn all standing on the edge of the giant pit. Beat up but still standing. It's pretty awesome.
Huh. That kind of turned into a weird survey thing.
IN OTHER EXCITING NEWS: Veronica Mars might go into comic book form! I think the show is seriously very easily adapted to do that. I would be excited, even if the other shows following this recent trend don't do as good of a job as one would hope.
Song of the day:
Smashing Pumpkins - Eye I am really running out of ideas for songs. I need to finish transferring the rest of my music over, gosh. But I <3 this song a lot, so listen to it fools!
Random fact of the day: Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history. Spades - King David; Clubs - Alexander the Great; Hearts - Charlemagne; and Diamonds - Julius Caesar. Why the heck isn't Caesar the spades?! Caesar is so obviously the most amazing, psh.