Day 20

Jun 20, 2006 22:43

Oh I know, I know you're begging in your minds "Please no more posts, metalphoenix!" or if you know me personally you may in fact call me Ami. But cheer up! After this post, you only have ten more! And then I won't post again until like September, I'm pretty sure.

Nothing exciting happened today. As usual. I watched a lot of TV and daydreamed. Daydreaming is fun. Much better than dreaming. Especially because I do that half-conscious kind of daydreaming where I'm controlling it but not completely.

I have nothing further to say, so here is a picture of baby ducks. Aren't they cute? Yes. Ohh filler <3.

Here is a song! Smash Mouth - Walking On The Sun

Mkay, enjoy, buh bye.

music: pimping, pics: random

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