(no subject)

Sep 29, 2005 14:05

Veornica Mars last night. 1 word = Awesome. I would talk about it more, but I don't like putting ideas down until I get more of a feel. But I've discussed with many others and am very excited about what this year will bring. However, I really think I need to take the VM community off my friends page. I can't handle other crazy fangirls. I mean, I can barely handle myself... but add in like 100 rabid Logan-crazed fans, and I'm sorry, but I'll snap. *eye twitches*

Alias premiere is tonight. I really don't care that much, but let's see what they do about that whole.. Vaughn thing.

I wanted to go see Serenity on Friday, and made all these plans with people, but when I went to go pre-pay for the tickets, Fandango wasn't working. I'm going down to the theater in a little bit and see if I can talk to them about pre buying tickets, because dammit, I'm going to see Serenity. YES I AM. *gnashes teeth*

ETA (You know, I never knew what ETA stood for, just that it meant the post had been editted... what is it, like Editted to Announce? Or something?): WE GOT TICKETS OMG!! We're going at 5 pm tomorrow and it'll be fantastical. I'll take my Latin quiz, and then run straight to the dorms, from there, run straight to the movie, from there, get the best seats possible, and it'll be amazing. *sighs happily*

This has been a fandom-filled post. o_0;

Took my first Physics quiz. I think I did okay, but I'm concerned about my methodology. I have my first Physics lab tonight too. WEE. Latin quiz tomorrow, and I'm finally into the swing of things.

fandom: general, school: nu, tv: veronica mars

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