(no subject)

May 26, 2005 20:24

Well, it's almost over. Yesterday was my last day of Cosmology and Latin. We clapped (?) for my Cosmology professor. My Latin teacher brought us coffee and doughnuts. I gave her a hug at the end of class, even though that's kind of weird for college. Hehe ^_^ I liked her. I'm going to miss her. She's not going to be back next year.. she's going to med school and then joining the navy (again, ??). Anyway.

Tomorrow is my Latin final. That should be fun. Except it won't be. But that's okay. Hopefully I'll do well enough. There's going to be a lamb roast for all Classics students. But I don't know if I'll go. Seeing a lamb on a spit wouldn't exactly be the highlight of my evening.

What will be the highlight of my evening, however, would be seeing Dark Side of Oz!! They're showing it tomorrow, I really want to go. I hope that I'll be able to. Dark Side of Oz, in case you didn't know, is when people play the Wizard of Oz and the Pink Floyd album, Dark Side of the Moon, simulateously and the music correlates to what's happening on the screen. SO COOL.

My throat is kind of scratchy and sore. I hope I can fight off the cold I'm assuming is coming. I need to stay up late and study tonight, but then I can't take Nyquil cuz that'll knock me out for a good amount of time. And I don't want to miss my final. That would be horrible. o_0;

There was something I wanted to say, but I don't remember now. Oh well, maybe I'll remember later.

Elizabeth has pictures of her, Amanda, Sameera, Kira, and I all at the baseball game we went to on Tuesday, but she hasn't loaded them up yet, so I can't steal them. Maybe I'll do that this weekend.

school: nu, music: general love

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