(no subject)

Sep 20, 2004 23:45

Right, updating.

I got my schedule today! I have Chem, Calc (ewww grosss dieeeeeeeeee), Latin, and Astronomy.

.. YAY ASTRONOMY. (note to self: must use astronomy icon)

Um. Today I also got some of my books. I mean some. I have eight things, plus three more to buy. So far, 300 bucks. *sigh*

I really like this band from campus, The Foster-Walker Complex. Which is actually the name of a dorm here. They're playing at "the Keg" tomorrow night and I just might go. Don't worry childrens, no alcohol for the underage girl.

Also, I like
The Gracious Brunettes. Another band that played at the concert on Saturday. They rock too, but since I don't have their CD (stupid people stealing the demos) I can't listen to them.

Yes, I realize there is music at that site I can download. I did, thanks. I still have no sound though.

But I'm gonna go now. Later all.

music: pimping, school: nu, music: general love

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