Nothing to see here

Sep 20, 2009 11:35

[Whoa, has 336 Brady Lane always had a jet parked in the driveway? Well, there’s one there now. Bit of an eyesore, isn’t it? A loud, unpleasant eyesore that is just as baffled by its sudden arrival as anyone else.]

Ahahaha, after millions of stellar cycles of trying I’m-I’m...confused. Where am I? This couldn’t possibly be the Well of All Sparks...

Transported away at the very brink of victory? Not possible! How dare anyone interfere with my rise to power! You will pay for trifling with the exalted leader of all Decepticons, whoever you are! Prepare to feel my wrath, insignificant little-[A noise not unlike a car backfiring is heard as Starscream tries to transform into robot mode]

Aaah-That’s...not a good sound. [tries again]

Nothing?! I-I can’t transform. This can’t be! I’m only half a Decpeticon! Half Decpeticon and STILL trapped on this miserable primitive planet! Which somehow is looking even more primitive than I remember. I didn’t think that was possible!

Well, no matter. I’m still more than capable of razing this backward place to the ground if I need to! I’m sure to get all the answers I need if I take to the sky and-[Nothing happens]

Oh, slag. (Grounded. The weapons on this ridiculous new form appear to be disarmed as well.)

Okkaaay, new plan. People of....wherever this is! I have hijacked your crude communication systems (Without even realizing it! Sometimes I surprise even myself with my ingenuity!) I demand you immediately release me from this bizarre stasis lock!
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