(no subject)

Feb 28, 2006 16:07

× Name: Lauren Watson.
× Nicknames: Meryl. Face_flesh.
× Gender: Female...last time i looked.
× Birthday: March 15th 1991
× Age: 15
× Marital Status: Singleton. But in love with MY Oli.
× Sign: Pisces. Fish...gross.
× Nationality: English.
× Preference: Vodka.
× Location: Hatfield, England
× Hair Color: Black.
× Eye Color: Dar brown. with red in acording to Mrs Watson AKA GEMZ!!!!× Height: 5 foot 7 ish
× Weight: 8 stone. I'm fat.
× Hobbies: Sex. Slipknot..
× Quote: Every man that breaks you, makes you.
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