May 31, 2004 18:39
Lifes pritty good. Im grounded for the time but its nott so bad. Im at camp all week so I only have like 2 days of bordom and thats not happening this weekend coming up. Taras coming friday and were going to the all night. There usally so much fun but I havent been to one in forever. sooo whats new with everyone. Me and Mel, im having so much fun at camp with her. Ive made so many new friends thanks to her. Amber and me, im disapointed in her and we are not friends anymore. Me and Tara, shes coming down and we r still best friends. Well I should tell you about camp. Its full of wiggers. Theres this really hot porto rican there and OMG,*heart skips a beat*, he is sooooo fine. OMG you alway s hear storys about ppl finding old friends... well in pre skool i was friends with this guy carry and in like 2nd or 3rd grade i was sk8in and he came up to me and was like do you know who I am. Of cource me and my memory were like no. Then I remembered him. Well at camp I was hanging out with this guy who I swore I knew and the name even sounded familiar. I asked my mom and she said i knew a Carry Gardener so when Melissa called me the next morning, AND WOKE ME UP, to see wat time I was coming cuz sher was there alone with Carry I asked her to ask him his last name. Well wen I got to camp that day he jumped up and was like pointing at my mom and then we knew for sure we both knew each other. Lol. I claim he found me once and now i found him. Tomorrow we r going to the movies. I love the ppl at camp. Theres Daniella,Holly,Matt,Matt,Penis,Carry,Danial,Sam,and im to lazy to name more. I want to type more and all but I dont know wat else to type. I havent seen Caitlin or Andrea this whole summer so far. Soon as im off grounding that is what im going to do. Lol. Well I love you all.