(no subject)

Jun 10, 2005 13:38

Ick...this summer has just sucked...I hope things get better, cuz if not I will seriously go insane. School was more enjoyable than this, so if this is gonna continue...Bring on school, cuz I'm starting to miss it.

I can't stand my dad's bitching ANY LONGER! It is just sooooo stupid. The marriage didn't work out...it's no one's fault...GET OVER IT! I got over it a long time ago.

Whatever, my mom's new house is cool...it'll be done in about 4-5 weeks (or so the builders say). It's far away and a bitch to drive to (especially to and from school! Ahhh...can you say 35 minute drive! =/), but it's super big. For those of you who have been to my house, it's bigger than that, except no pool. So I guess that part of the deal is ok, but I'd rather just live in one place thank you. Yay for being the "back-and-forth" child.

Anyway, I miss you guys, I've just been sitting at home doing nothing pretty much this whole summer...so ya, that's fun. I went to Cost Plus yesterday just to buy Jones Soda. So yeah, Now I have a headache from the sugar. You know what? I love LJ...cuz this is what it's for...something to just bitch to, and never feel bad...

Oh yeah...I was tagged by Beth...

The rules are that you have to come up with 6 songs that mean a lot to you. Then you have to come up with 6 albums that also mean a lot to you. Then you tag 6 people to do it.

*6 Songs*
1. Tears For Fears - Shout
2. Coldplay - The Scientist
3. Phantom Of The Opera - Think Of Me
4. Wicked - For Good
5. Coldplay - White Shadows
6. Dirty Vegas - Human Love

*6 Albums*
1. Tears For Fears - Shout: The Very Best Of Tears For Fears
2. Coldplay - A Rush Of Blood To The Head
3. Phantom Of The Opera
4. Wicked
5. Coldplay - X&Y
6. Dirty Vegas - One

*6 People*
1. David <3
2. Alexandra
3. Josh
4. Trang
5. Clare
6. Camille
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