ah so it is how it is

Nov 04, 2004 19:24

wow you guys that was really touching for you to leave me those nice comments. oh yeah vanessa as i do recall an away message of yours went sumthing like this-kerry/edwards 04 because im not an idiot. well that just about takes care of your comment since you can now eat your own words. a thank you. alita im not even going to bother with you since its not really even worth my time since you prolly didnt do that much research on either canadate more just went by what your roomate vanessa told you. oh yeah i did do my research on both canadates hell i even watched farenheit 9/11 but the fact of the matter is john kerry is a liar(yes bush is too), he cant make up his mind, he is unpatriotic, he is too dependant on others and is not fit to be commander in chief. just be glad the majority of america agrees with me ok.
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