Heat (1995)

Feb 13, 2005 09:58

Last night I watched the movie "Heat" staring Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino. Now, I've had this movie for quiet some time and saw bits and pieces of it before, but never have I once sat down and watched it all the way through. At 2 hours and 51 minutes, it is a lengthy movie but worth it. To me it began off kinda slow. Seeing Al Pacino getting it on with his wife (that looks like a man), doesn't need to be in there, but I guess they did it to waste time. The movie does pick up though. One of the best scenes is the standoff with the cops in the street. One of the best action scenes I ever saw. The next best scene is DeNiro and Pacino having coffee together in a diner. They have been in a movie together before, (Godfather II), but never at the same time, so since I am fans of both actors, this is a treat. The ending makes me wanna cry. I won't ruin it for those who haven't seen it. But I suggest renting this movie. It's very good.

Here is a picture from one of the famous scenes from the movie,
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