The theme of the evening is letting go. It sucks. No way around it. It's hard to see someone you care about make not so good decisions. It sucks when you can see some of their answers or you know what they need to succeed. And then you have to come to truth with you can't make them do anything. You have to indeed let go. And if they choose to listen or to continue being friends with you then you welcome them with everything you have. But it's the letting go part that is the hardest and unfortunately sometimes the longest part. But once again I am SO grateful for the friends I do have and for those few special people who no matter what time of the night or whatever they are doing, will drop it all gladly just to chat for a while. Friends and people you love are more valuable than anything you could ever buy. And even though that’s an ultra cheesy thing to say, It's the truth and it's what i choose to believe.