Jul 13, 2005 11:08
Wow, it got 122 degrees outside today and inside the mechanic bay where I work, it seemed like it broke 130 degrees.
We were laying out one of our recovery vehicles when I started to feel woozy and shit. Then I stood up and I thought that maybe it was my chewing tobacco that had me sick. When I stood up, my legs went all numb and my arms got all tingly. It was weird. I ended up throwing up straight fluid by our 5-ton wrecker truck. My First Sergeant was trying to ask me all these questions about our 5-ton wrecker because its been broke for so long, and then I was like.. " Yes, welll.. YAAAAKKKUPPPRRRORRGHT!" Not on him, he moved luckily for him, but yeah.
Then I sat in an ac-ed room for about 3 minutes then I went back to work. I think throwing up helped but it was weird how my body overheated like that and that happened. What I'd like to know is, why does someone throw up when they get too hot? Maybe someone has some medical knowledge they can help me out with that question.
Alright, the rest of the day went smooth. I got to yell a little, but that all comes with the package when you make Sergeant in the Army. 6 more months and I should be home. They say roughly January.