May 28, 2005 11:19
One thing I learned in Iraq is...Soldiers can be messy and unclean.
Well, let me rephrase that. I don't want to bash the Military, as much as its fucked up, I don't want to corrupt innocent minds, unknowing minds or anything like that. No reality check here.
Well, SOME soldiers are nasty. I'm sure in the civilian world, there are some nasty sumbitches too. Unclean mutherfuckers. Well, we got a certain percent of people in the service that are generally the same way. Yeah, I know, we're supposed to be disciplined, well behaved, clean cut and polite. Some are, in fact, alot are. But you get your bad eggs.
I've been sick for the past week and some change because Soldiers want to fuck around and be unclean. The rooms are pretty nasty. Bags of trash stacked three feet high in the corner and me being a Sergeant, it's my duty to ride these meatheads to keep that place clean. They always think they're throwing the trash out for me. Hell no, I'm making them do it for their own good. So they don't get sick. But it never fails. You always end up with a Soldier that shits himself or throws up all night because he caught some faggot flu bug due to the fact his assbuddy is so fucked up he can't take his trash out and its been there for weeks festering with bugs and shit. I feel like trash.
On top of that, it reached 110 degrees today. People sweat and we should be taking showers daily. Plus, its dusty as shit outside and there is trash everywhere. Critters crawl through that shit, dogs and cats piss all over the ground and military vehicles are driving around all day leaking shit. So, the ground is generally unclean. Plus, we are handling our rifles, climbing up towers all day, sitting in the hot sun, the dust blows in, exhaust from vehicles and what its pretty filthy. If you take a baby wipe and wipe your face, it comes off brown. Nasty dirt. Some dudes don't bother to take showers at the end of the day. They just go to sleep in their filth. Now their sleeping bag and bed matress is all nasty. Some dudes go a few days without showers. Or don't change their socks daily. Or send their clothes to the laundry enough.
Well, its really sad that I have to, as a Sergeant, tell another grown man to take a shower or make sure his laundry gets turned in.