Oct 05, 2005 14:31
well things are looking a bit better. first i have news for bina. there is now a sabrina miller. *snickers* and i know someone who has a crsh on rusty. it's quite funny sence she sits at the lucnh table and talks about him constantly. second I GOT INTO HONOR CHOIR!!!! yay me * does the little dance* i'm passing all my classes but gov/econ but that's morgans fault and we are fixing it as we speak. i'm getting my hair dyed today and i can't wait. i bought a pair of fishnet gloves from work, i like them alot. i think i'll wear them again tomorrow, that should make a statment lol oh i saw a wrist band that would be perfect for you bina it said i heart pirates. sweet eh? well that's about it for me. ttfn